Chapter /3

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Trying to process everything my parents just told me, I hear Pix trying to get my attention. I look down at the creature and see it looking at me, pitifully.

"Ciana, our realm is falling apart. I'm on a mission to find all the guardians and join forces with them." Alice speaks up.

"How can I help you, with that? Apparently, my sister is dead." I respond, blankly.

"You can take her place. Our opponent seems to be very steadfast, he's determined to destroy all kingdoms and
unite them, under his control." she continues.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I know nothing about magic, also what about my parents." I look, towards them.

"Ciana, I'll never let you do this! Not after what happened to Nella!" my mom says.

"Maybe we shouldn't stop her. She should go and join them, for herself and for Nella." my dad interrupts.

"We'll be by your side, we'll guide you." says Pix, putting a paw on my arm.

My mother looks down, holding back her tears as Alice, Pix and my father wait for my answer. Taking a deep breath, I think I already know, what decision I want to make.

"Alright, I'll go with you. I mean a few days away from school, is not an offer to refuse." I respond.

"I would say the same thing." Alice laughs.

"Well then, let's not waste anymore time. We have to go, before the night ogres find us here." Pix adds.

Although I'm not entirely sure where I'm going, I decide to trust Alice and Pix. I say goodbye to my parents, taking with me only my most necessary and important things. Meanwhile, Pix opens a portal in one of our living room walls and motions for me, to enter. Keeping my eyes tightly shut, I pass through it without thinking too much, and when I open them again, I find myself in a completely different place.

I am currently in a huge hall, which I assume is a library. Inside there are huge shelves filled to the brim with books. Giant windows on the ceilings, decorared with colorful glass pieces, as well as marble floors. At that moment, through the door directly across from us, three more girls come in, wearing necklaces just like mine and Alice's.
They approach and greet us, kindly.

"I found another guardian." says Alice.

"Hey, my name is Ciana. Nice to meet you all!" I smile, widely.

"Nice to meet you too, Ciana. I'm Meridan, those are Lilly and Heather." says one of the girls.

"Any news from Nova?" asks Pix.

"Unfortunately, nothing. He's still keeping her, in his dungeon." Lilly replies.

"Who's Nova? And who's "he"?" I raise an eyebrow, in confusion.

"Nova is the remaining guardian, we're searching for. The sorceresses of darkness." explains Heather.

"And "he" is our rival. Sadly, we don't know much about him, yet. Only that he's also a part of the Night Kingdom, like her." says Lilly.

"Right, also in case you're wondering, Alice is an air guardian, Heather rules the fire, Lilly is in charge of the nature powers and you I believe are a light sorceresses." adds Pix.

"Oh, thanks. That was actually some really helpful information." I chuckle.

After my head gets filled with all this new information, we all head for the exit, of this alleged library. I follow the rest of the girls, as Pix is snuggled up on one of my shoulders. From there we go down some rather steep stairs, to what looks like a basement to me. Stepping inside of it, I realize that this is actually quite a chic hideout. We all sit down tiredly, on one of the couches and I throw my backpack, on the floor.

"We'll go on our quest, tomorrow." says Heather.

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