Chapter /7

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Now in full formation, we all head towards the exit of the Air Kingdom, in order to activate the barrier. Hopefully, it will slow down, Yar's attacks. Next, we'll visit the Nature Kingdom, where Lilly will teach us some new spells. Of course, we'll also have a meeting with one of the main guards there, more specifically the "nature healer".

"Guys, can we slow down a bit? I'm already exhausted, enough!" I sigh, holding my knees.

"You can use a "speed spell", so you can walk faster, without getting tired." offers Nova.

"Great idea, but my spells suck! I can't control my powers, yet." I complain, sitting down on the ground.

"I can carry you on my back, hop on!" says Heather.

"Are you sure? I don't want, to burden you." I mutter.

"I'm sure, it'll be no problem. Now, let's go!" she smiles.

Having finished our work at the exit, we are already approaching the Nature Kingdom. Surprisingly, it doesn't look exactly the way, I expected. The weather appears very gloomy and the trees look dry, maybe even hollow. The soil is rotten and the plants are dead.
Is it possible, that Yar has already been here before us?

"Something is wrong. That's not how I remember the kingdom, to look like." Lilly says.

"I think, we all know, what has happened here." Nova frowns.

"Will the healer, be able to do something, about it?" asks Meridan.

"Maybe. Let's look for him, before it's too late." Pix suggests.

While we are looking for where the healer's greenhouse is located, various, unknown creatures come up to us and surround us.

"Night ogres! Guys be careful!" yells Alice.

I freeze in one place and look for a place to hide. Meanwhile, one of the ogres tries to hit me, but I successfully dodge its attack.

"Ciana, you go find the healer, we'll distract them!" says Nova.

"Alright, good luck!" I walk, away.

Running through the dark and creepy forest, I use the compass, I already had with me, to guide me. It says I'm close, but I still can't see anything. Then, in front of me I notice a small wooden bridge. There is a sign next to it, mentioning the greenhouse, but it is nowhwere to be found. It should be on the other side of the bridge, hopefully I won't be asked, to solve a riddle. Looking closely, I see that it says, "Special visitors only". Given our emergency, I must be a very special visitor. I cross the bridge and find myself, on the other side of the lake. At that moment, my necklace lights up and the greenhouse appears in front of me, out of thin air.

I approach it and knock on the door. It immediately opens and outside, comes the healer, himself. He tells me, to come in and asks me, where the rest of the girls are.

"They have some work, to do. Hopefully they'll be here soon." I explain.

"Well then, you can sit down, over there." he offers.

"Thank you! By the way, the greenhouse appeared, just now. Where were you, before?" I ask, in confusion.

"I was here the whole time, you just couldn't see me." the healer chuckles.

"Oh, I see! I shouldn't be surprised, at such things. It's a fantasy world, isn't it?" I laugh.

At that moment, the other girls arrive and they greet us all. They sit, next to me, on the couch and ask the healer, if he can help them increase their magical powers. He gives us each, a kind of cookie and tells us, that it should help us have more stamina and we should also feel, more physically strong. Eating the cookie, I can't pick up anything other than the fact, that it tastes like cinnamon and jasmine. Very delicious, but unfortunately, probably useless. The girls, on the other hand, immediately feel a difference, in their strength. I'm trying, not to envy them too much. Maybe soon, I'll be able to control my powers, as well.

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