Chapter /8

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Lilly and the healer showed us some more magic spells. Such as: forest camouflage magic, talking to plants, and how to make various, healing potions. Miraculously, I was able to handle most of the tasks we tried, but I'm still way behind the others. After we received our crystals, for breathing underwater, we decide it's time, to pay the Water Kingdom, a visit.

Arriving here, it appears normal, unlike the already Yar-affected, Nature Kingdom. Ninety percent of the place itself is underwater, so we take the crystals and dive deep, into the ocean. Only the castle itself can be seen above it, everything else is at the very bottom.
Meridan, like a true guardian of the kingdom, guides us exactly where we need to go, swimming faster than all of us. All around I see fish, dolphins, mermaids, as well as seahorses, greeting her. Apparently, everyone here respects her, for the work she's doing.

"Now, we must see the "water mage". She lives, somewhere around here." says Meridan.

"Is it too far away?" I ask.

"No, I've been there before, many times." replies Alice.

"Guys, do you hear those whispers?" Lilly turns around.

"They're the same ones, I heard at the Air castle!" I say, widening my eyes.

"Look over there! The creature behind, the coral!" yells Heather.

At that moment I see a huge creature that has the head of a bull, the body of a horse and the wings of a phoenix. It also seems, to notice me and stares, directly into my eyes. Then, my star locket instantly shuts off and I feel myself slowly sinking to the bottom, getting lost in the seaweed.

"Hey! Did you guys hear, that?" asks Heather.

"No, what are you talking about? Maybe it's the jellyfish." Lilly responds.

"Ciana! Someone catch her!" yells Pix.

Then, I happen to see Alice rushing towards me. She grabs my hand and pulls me up, bringing me to the surface. Just as I was worried that the crystal would lose its power, I take a deep breath, finally out of the water. Trying to figure out what just happened, my locket darkens to pitch black.

"Alice, I don't think I can go back in the water, again." I mutter.

"You don't have to, it's too dangerous! I think it's better if you go to the Light Kingdom, instead." suggests Alice.

"But I can't go alone! I have no powers!" I look down at my necklace.

"I'll go with you! Just stay here, I'll tell the others." she replies.

Staying in the water, I patiently wait for Alice to return. I still don't know, what exactly happened to my locket, but it's clearly Yar's doing. The question is, how am I going to fix it, it's not even mine. Then Alice comes back and the two of us get out, of the ocean. She leads our way, towards the Light Kingdom. Maybe there, they'll be able, to help me with repairing the necklace.

Upon arrival, I am enveloped in a very positive and high vibrational energy. Although, I have never been here before, this place seems very familiar, to me. A realm, where the sun shines in full force and never sets. I finally feel, truly at home. At the entrance me and Alice activate the barrier before it's too late. Then, with the help of the compass, we head directly to the "light protector". It is said that, only she has a secret key, with which we can go to the Night Kingdom, without being noticed. The border between the two kingdoms isn't very prominent and from here, I can see the moon shining brightly, above the Night Kingdom.

Reaching the protector's tower, we walk inside and climb up the huge staircase. Finally, we reach a tall gate and ring the bell. The gate opens by itself and the protector's library is revealed, before us. She welcomes us inside and we enter without hesitation.

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