Chapter /6

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Sipping some more of the potion, I hope it will work this time. Instead, I see Alice looking at me with a mischievous smile plastered on her face. Guess I'm just wasting everyone's time.

"Can you please stop, looking at me like that?" I ask, Alice.

"Why? Is the potion not working?" she starts, going higher.

"Stop! It's not fair, I want to levitate too!" I protest.

"Yeah, that won't help with anything." suggests Lilly.

Suddenly, Alice happens to go even higher, almost reaching the huge chandelier, above. This time, she looks down at me, as she laughs.

"Come here, now! I told you, I had a height complex!" I complain.

"Only the girls who can levitate, can go!" says the guard.

"I guess I'll stay here, then. May I look around for clues?" I ask, the guard.

"Sure, I'll lead the way. The rest of you, search for the sorcerer!" he commands.

Alice and Lilly head off to find the "air sorcerer", while I waste my time around the castle. At least I'm not at school, I have no right to complain. Walking around, I come to the end of the corridor and see a closed room. Naturally, I feel the need, to go inside. Opening the huge steel gates I find myself in some huge hall and decide to take a look. There are lots of pictures and paintings hanging on the walls. They seem to be of different royal families. The people in one of the photos, look familiar and I decide to take a closer look. Those are my parents, with a young girl. I guess that's my sister, Nella. She was very beautiful, I also see that she is wearing the necklace that I have, right now. My eyes are now open to the truth, I have to fight for justice, I don't want to disappoint my family.

Leaving the hall, I hear a strange whisper behind me. I turn around, but there is absolutely no one. I know that in such cases it is better to run, but my curiosity gets the better of me. I'm going to find out what's going on. Walking down the hallway, I see a bunch of suspicious shadows, on the walls. I decide to follow them, but they instantly disappear. Finally, I only manage to catch, a quiet, specific whisper. "In the shadows, I live and on your fears, I feed." Then, there was silence.

At that moment, I suddenly rise above the ground, without being able to control myself. Apparently, the potion has only now, decided to take effect.
What am I, going to do? There's no one around, to see me.

"Help! I can't get down!" I start, screaming.

Waving my arms and legs, in desperation, I quickly teleport down on the floor, but not too harshly, in order to hurt myself. Then, a girl appears right in front of me and offers me a hand, so I can get up.

"Thanks! Sorry, if I was being loud." I shyly, apologize.

"No problem! You were just scared."
the girl replies.

"Hey Ciana! Meet Nova, we managed to find her and help her escape." says Heather.

"Woah, so fast? You guys really are heroes! Nice to meet you, Nova!" I smile, widely.

"Nice to meet you too! Where are the others, by the way?" she asks.

"They went, to meet the "air sorcerer".
Should we go there, too?" I offer.

"Alright then, follow me!" says Meridan.

Heading towards the others, we go up in the air, again and I try to control my body, so I don't fall down and break my bones. I quickly, start to like flying, so I enjoy feeling the wind, in my hair. Not long after, we find ourselves in front of the sorcerer's cave. From there we see Lilly, Alice and Pix coming out, of it. Apparently, they have already finished, their meeting.

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