Chapter /5

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We were told by the guards, in the castle to look for the "fire druid" because he would give us important information about Yar. It turns out, that he is the only inhabitant who has seen him in real life, even from afar. It is said that, he can help us find Yar easier and he'll also help us with our power management.

He is located in a hut, high in the mountain of the Fire Kingdom. We've been walking for two hours now and I'm getting really tired. Sighing, Alice and I hold each other to keep from falling down the slope. Pix on the other hand has gotten on top of Meridan's head, while Lilly and Heather are carrying all the luggage.

"We're close girls, don't give up!" Pix chimes in.

"I think, I'm having second guesses, about this whole magical journey." I whisper.

"Why? Do you know how many people would love the be in your place?" says Lilly.

"Great, I'd like to switch places with one of them!" I exclaim.

"Don't say that! Imagine, you could've had a math test right now." Alice grins.

"You know what, I'd rather be searching for Yar. Forget, what I just said." I run, up the hill.

After a while, we manage to get to the druid's hut and Heather knocks on the large, wooden door. Suddenly, it opens and an elderly man, presumably the druid, appears from behind it. He invites us inside and ushers us into his "spell room".

"Welcome, everyone! Sit on the couch, over there." he tells, us.

"Thank you! We assume the guards have already informed you, of our visit. We're here, because of Yar," Lilly explains.

"That's right! Well, I have something for you!" he says, handing us all some small potions bottles.

"What are these for?" I ask, in confusion.

"Levitation potions! You'll be able to, levitate for three hours, after taking a sip." the druid explains.

"Thank you! We'll need them, for sure!" Meridan smiles.

"Also, I found Yar's hideout! I set up a compass, to guide you straight to it, but first, I have a request for you! Each of you, must activate your necklace, at the exit of each kingdom!" he demands.

"We understand, but the problem is, that we are not at full strength. One of our guardians is missing. Nova has been captivated, by Yar!" Alice sighs.

"This is terrible news! Then, let only half of you go! The rest of you seek Nova, here is the compass!" says the druid.

"Thank you sir!" Pix nods. "Let Heather and Meridan look for Nova! Alice, Ciana, Lilly and I are going to the Air Kingdom!"

After we say goodbye to the druid, Heather and Meridan head towards the Night Kingdom and we go to activate our necklaces, at the exit of the Fire Kingdom. This should create a sort of protective barrier, to stop our rival from crossing the border. The barrier will be incomplete, as we are only a small part, of the guardians, but it's still something.

Pix creates a portal in the sky and we jump into it, heading straight for the clouds. From there we find ourselves inside a huge and very tall tower.
I look around in amazement and I'm unable to believe that such places really exist, in the universe. At that moment, the main guard walks up, to greet us.

"Glad to finally see you! If you're here to meet the "air sorcerer", you should reach for the wind." he explains.

"What's that, supposed to mean"? I tilt my head.

"I know! The levitation potions, the druid gave us! They'll be, of great help!"
Alice squeals.

"Let's try them, then." Lilly opens one of the bottles and takes a sip.

After all three of us try the potions, only Lilly and Alice rise slightly, above the ground. I, on the other hand, remain firmly on it. Looking confused, I decide it has to do with the fact that my powers are underdeveloped.

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