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Alice and I both sit down, across from the protector and she immediately notices my locket, frowning. She asks me, to hold her hands and when I do, she tells me to close my eyes, for a brief moment.

"I know, what has happened to your necklace. Don't worry, I'll help you." she assures me.

"I'm not sure, I should wear it, from now on." I whisper, barely audible.

"Trust me, just do as I tell you. Try to connect, with your highest self." she says, firmly.

I take a deep breath and the second I close my eyes, I imagine bright light, all around me. I slowly, start to feel calmer and somehow, more hopeful. For a moment, it seems, as if all of my worries disappear. I am carefree and cheerful. My life suddenly, feels like my life, again.

"Open your eyes, Ciana." the protector, tells me.

I look at her and she shows me, the secret key. She puts it, right in my palm, while smiling.

"I think, you should have it. Now both of you, go! Go before it's too late." she rushes us.

I grab the key and Alice and I both head off, to the Night Kingdom. Reaching the main gate, we both activate the last barrier, hoping that it will slow down Yar's attacks. Then, we also see the rest of the girls, arriving one by one. Fortunately, they are unharmed and in good condition. Yar was just leaving when we saw him. They say their meeting with the "water mage" went well and it's time for us to act on our plan.

Together we head, towards the arena of the Night Kingdom, where we intend to summon Yar. The only way to defeat him is to meet him, hiding definitely doesn't help. We stand in a circle and hold hands, pronouncing the necessary spell. At this moment, the dark night sky, becomes even darker. A violent whirlwind appears, above us and within seconds Yar appears, in the center of the circle.

Without wasting any time, he suddenly starts to attack us, going for me first. Fortunately, I manage to block his attempt, but he doesn't give up, easily. He then tries to attack Lilly, but she uses a potion on him, in order to slow him down. Meanwhile, Heather tries to use fire magic on him, but he dodges it and manages to injure Alice, by throwing her into the air. She falls completely defenseless to the ground and lies down, without being able, to move.

I lose control at the sight, unfolding before my eyes and shoot a beam of light, at Yar. While doing so, I realize that my locket has recovered and my powers are now, stronger than ever. My beam hits him, right in the eye, and he falls to the ground, flat on his back. While the other girls try to help Alice, I decide to finish him off.

Channeling all of my powerful, magical energy, I feel pure sunlight shining, from my necklace. Through it I gather enough strength, for one final attack. I bring my arms down and divide the ground beneath my feet, in two, while levitating high in the sky. Yar falls involuntarily, inside the abyss and as he's unable to get out, I slowly close the ground again, with him inside of it.

Tired, I carefully go back down, sitting on the ground. My locket stops glowing and it goes back to normal. Trying to catch my breath, I see the rest of the girls running towards me, except for Alice, she was limping.

"Ciana, you did it! But how, where did you learn all of this?" Meridan asks me, out of nowhere.

"I don't know, I guess I just did it." I tilt my head, to the side.

"You were wonderful! You basically, saved us all!" Lilly cheers, happily.

"No need to thank me. I have a question though, what will happen now?" I ask.

"Now, we will make you the official guardian, of the Light Kingdom!" Alice starts, clapping her hands.

"That's right! Get on my back!" Pix says, while transforming into a lynx.

"What? I never knew, you could do that! I guess it's not just me, who had secret powers." I laugh.

"I know right, I'll fly you off directly, into the Light Kingdom." Pix exclaims.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go then!" says Nova, while smiling.

We all get on Pix's back and fly off, to our next destination and hopefully, to a brighter future.

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