a long night ~☆

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angels pov

i make my way back to the hotel, exhausted. "oh my satan ,work today was so fucking tiring. just non stop being fucked and ugh! " i walk in and make my way into my room, heading towards the elevator, but then i hear a familiar voice.

"hello darling! what are you doing up so late? it's 4am." i turn around to see alastor behind me, his head tilted. "ah! nothingg, just got back from workk~" he nods and turns around, but doesn't start walking. "wanna get a quick drink with me my dear?" I walk up to him putting my elbow on his shoulder, saying "why not hot stuff? id love to~!" he nudges my elbow off his shoulder and we make our way to the bar in the hotel. we don't make much conversation as we walk there, making it pretty awkward.

anytime im with alastor, for some reason im always happy . he always brings my real smile back and is always making me laugh, either if it's his cute reactions or whatever.

we get to the bar and take a seat. husk appears behind the counter, his back facing us staring at his phone. i smile at alastor, both knowing what we're about to do. "BOO!" we both yell, litteraly making husk fall over screaming "FUCK!" i burst out laughing , my right upper hand banging on the table. "hello to you too alastor and angel-.." "hello husk! can we just get some drinks? for me some red whine, what about you my dear, angel?"

when he called my name, i felt something warm in my chest- i know he calls everyone shit like "my dear" and whatsoever, but the way he put angel in it felt- "so,, angel are you gonna decide or keep staring at the floor?" i shake my head and speak up. "sorry,, zoned out. uuuh, some whiskey is good for me ! " he nods and gets our drinks

"so, how has work been darling ? " i look up at alsstor confused on why he's asking about my job. probably to just get the conversation going. "well,, it's been fine. nothing too intense, though one of my clients surprisingly didn't want me for sex, they actually just wanted to have a small chat with me, so it was nice to talk to someone without fucking them. " he nods as he takes the glass of red wine and puts it to his lips, taking a drink. the color of the whine matched exactly with him, being the shade of red he always wears.

we then talk for couple of hours along with me flirting with husk, i mean how can i not? it's funny to see his reactions. i actually didn't realize how fun it was to talk to alastor, he told me about his life when he was still living, which was much more interesting than i expected. we pretty much got drunk for about 2hrs, by now being 6am. after a little, in the middle of my story on how me and cherri accidently killed this random dude on the street, al passed out cold. "looks like someone drank way too much" i say.

husk and i looked at each other in silence, not knowing what to do. "your taking him to his room, not me. " husk said, while walking away drinking a whole bottle of vodka. i sigh and pick alastor up with my 2nd set of arms, and make my way out the bar. i stare at alastor for a bit- he looked so... peaceful. something about him looked so fucking adorable, his ears probably added to that. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but- I can't stop... I used my upper right hand to ruffle my hand through his hair, I never realized how soft it was..shit what am i thinking?! aaa-! okay let me just bring him to his room.

i walk around for a little but then realize, i don't know where his fucking room is. god dammit. the only choice I have left is to bring him into my room, so that's what i do. i place him down on the right side on my bed and i plop down on the left. i face my back to him and fall asleep with fat nuggets in my arms..

alastor pov, 9am.

i slowly wake up, but i feel different, this doesn't feel like my room, i open my eyes and im blinded by pink. i see white fluff next to me and its- ANGEL DUST?! WHY AM I SLEEPING NEXT TO ANGEL DUST -!

my face intesely warms up, and I try to sit up but angel starts to move. "hmmmm?" He says, slowly moving around and slowly opening his eyes. for some reason i felt this warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart and i- shut up alastor what are you thinking!

he opens his eyes fully and looks at me softly. then widens his eyes, screaming "OH SHIT" and turning to a shade of pink. "FUCK FUCK SORRY ALASTOR I CAN EXPLAIN- WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. YOU JUST PASSED OUT AND HUSK DIDNT WANT TO TAKE YOU TO YOUR ROOM SO HE TOLD ME TO BUT I DIDNT KNOW WHERE YOUR ROOM WAS SO I TOOK YOU TO MINE-!!! " he says, all so fastly it takes me a moment to process. he hides his face with his hands, and i think of what to say. "it's okay my dear, next time, just wake me up." I say, getting up and opening the door to leave. "wait i-" i turn my head rapidly at angel, he pauses and says nevermind. i shrug it off and leave.

angels pov

fuck. i completely embarrassed myself and i probably made alastor uncomfortable- god dammit...


woohoo finished w chap.1! ill probably work on chapter 2 soon if this gets a little popular or couple of views, ^^ give ideas in the commentsss

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