a fun night*⁠.⁠✧

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this is not nsfw btw 😭

angels pov

after what happened this morning, me and alastor have kind of just- been ignoring each other. after finishing up some work arond the hotel, i text the one person who actually understands me, cherri, or her full name, cherri bomb

the bestie !

hey cheriiii

hey angell

wanna hang out?
we can go shopping and since
at the hotel there's a party room
with a kareoke machine, we could use it !

woah yeah, but let's
explode some shit first!

you bet!!


time skip after they meet up
(still angels pov btw)

i make my way to the hell mall as cherri waits for me. I see her and start running to her. "HEY CHERRIII!" she looked at me with a smile and ran towards me.
we hugged each other tightly, excited to see the other.

we start talking about how things have been and cherri fills me in on some of the drama. we head inside for a shopping spree. Valentino recently gave me a HUGE paycheck so, i could buy a lot. after having so much bags , we head down to the foodcourt to order food.

"sooo what do you wanna eat? " "i mean, I don't know! how about you choose? I don't care, ill eat anything! maybe even my own bombs!" I laugh at her comment and head to the pizza store. we get some pizza and start eating. "so who's paying..?" "whoever talks shit about someone has to pay" i gasp at cherri's challenge and accept. it was right after I finished my 3rd pizza to the point i couldn't take it. "VALENTINOS DICK IS SO GOD DAM SMALL." we burst out into laughter, about both the comment I made and the fact I had to pay. I payed for our food and we made our way to the hotel.

"soo ya wanna do some kareoke after we leave all the bags in my room?"
"yeahhh you bet!" i smile at cherri, she's my best friend and is always so supportive towards me, and she's helped me so much with my problems, I don't know what i would do without her. we finally get to the hotel, i really hope alastor isn't there, it would just make things really awkward and i dont want that. specially when im hanging out with cherri.

we open the door and walk in quietly. "wow this place is cleaner than I expected." cherri says, while leaning towards me. i snicker a little, knowing what she said was meant as an insult to the hotel, i mean she's not wrong. we make our way to the stairs, and then i see charlie. shit. I try to back away but charlie notices me and cherri and, actually looks happier than ever. "oo hey angel who's that? hello! im the princess of hell, charlie! " she runs up to cherri, putting her hand out."the names cherri bomb, spelled with an i. nice to meet ya, nice hotel you got here! " cherri says, putting her hand out and grinning. "me and her were just gonna hang out for a little, you don't mind right?" charlie looks at me and nods with that soft smile on her face. after putting all our bags down, we head down into the mini game room filled with the kareoke machine.

it was originally a mini storage room, but we made it into a game room for guests . "alright what song do you wanna do?" "PFFT IMAGINE IF YOU SING CARDI B" "... BET." i grab the mic and choose the song, trying to hold in my laughter. I don't even last for half of the song and i burst out laughing and so does cherri. we laugh non stop for 3 minutes, having so much fun..i never want it to end, i just wanna be happy like this forever.

alastors pov

ive been avoiding angel for the whole day by now, after what happened this morning. i guess I didn't mind and it was just him trying to be kind to me and taking me to go rest, and i just over reacted. we were both embarrassed so, fair I guess. i don't know where angel even is right now, i haven't heard from him since this morning.

i head to charlie's office to ask her since she may know where angel is, or at least have an idea on where. i knock on the door twice, with my usual grin on my face, your never fully dressed without one. "come innnn!" she says, with her usual voice full of joy. "hello charlie, may I ask you a question?" charlie nods while spinning around in her chair."Do you have any ideas on where angel is? It's not that im worried about him or anything, im just wondering because I haven't seen him all day." charlie looks at me a little surprised, but answers my question. "OH! uuh I think he's in the game room, he's with his friend cherri right now!" i nod and leave the room quietly, closing the door behind me. I remember him telling me about his "bestie" cherri bomb, specifically spelled with an i. they seem to get along pretty well from what he told me.

anyway, i make my way downstairs to where the gameroom is and hear some sort of pop music blasting from it. i hear angels voice literally yelling what seems to be lyrics at the top of his lungs. "FROM THE TOP MAKE IT DROP THAT'S A WET ASS PUSSY- BAHAHAH!" i stand near the door in so much confusion that i don't even bother opening it.

i hear the 2 of them laughing so hard that i think they start crying while their at it. i don't know what to do, because i really want to talk to angel about what happened this morning, i just don't know how. i slowly but quietly open the door, seeing angel and what seems to be his friend, cherri bomb both on the floor. they slowly get up, still laughing so much. "GOD ANGEL, THAT WAS TOO FUCKING FUNNY! " "I KNOW RIGHT" they both yell, starting to laugh like maniacs again.

"eeexcuse me, angel could I talk to you for a second? " i finnaly say, making the both of them pause to look at me. "is that, THE FUCKING RADIO DEMON?!" "oh yeah, he works at this hotel"
"and he still hasn't killed ya?!"
"nope! not yett ~!"

"but that'll change if you continue with your stupidity." i state, making the both of them pretty scared. "also angel, by talk i meant in private. nothing sexual, just a small chat." angel looks at me then back at cherri, shrugs and makes his way outside the room.

i try to speak but I lightly stutter my words. "i- i wanted to talk about this morning." angels face expression kind of, lowers, it looks like he got awkward. "oh- yeah, sorry about that, i didn't mean to make ya uncomfortable, i was just doing it because i had no choice and since i didn't wanna just leave ya passed out on the counter. " he looks to the side, avoiding eye contact with me. i nod, understanding him.

silence is between us till I end it. "alright then, well i do appreciate your efforts my dear, thank you." he smiles a little with that beautiful grin on his face. his smile makes him look so much prettier than he already is- shit what am i thinking.

"alright then well, ima continue hanging out with cherri, 'kay?"
"yes, of course." i attempt to turn around to make my way back of my room, but my body gets pulled into a warm and fuzzy embrace from angel. "byebye deer boy!" he says , letting go of me back into the game room.

what just...happened?
what's this warm fuzzy feeling i feel in my heart?

i finnaly finished 😭😭😭

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