consideration?˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。

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The day went by swiftly, everyone was in a good mood. The girls were playing dress up along with angel trying to style things they had in their own closet. "Ooo! Angel! You should wear this red dress! I never wore it since it was ...too...erm, sexy? For me, but I think you'd look great in it!!!" Charlie states, bringing angel to look at her. She holds a long and sleveless dress, seeming very tight that it would hug all of angels curves. It had black lacing at the bottom giving it a nice touch.

Angels eyes practically sparkle, as he screams "YES!!!",, quickly grabbing the dress and running into the bathroom to try it on. "Pffft, imagine if we made angel walk up to Alastor in that dress?" Vaggie suggests, getting an excited squeal from the princess and the tiny maid.

"How do I look?" The arachnid calls out, stepping out the bathroom. The 3 girls squeal, quickly showering him in compliments. "YOU SHOULD SHOW ALASTOR!!!"niffty quickly says, getting the other 2 to nod. "AHHH are you sure?!!! " angel asks, pacing back in fourth, nervous on how Alastor would react. "YES!! " They all scream on sync, bursting out in laughter afterwards.

Angel sighs as he adjusts his hair and slowly makes his way out the door as the girls slowly follow. He knocks on alastors door as vaggie, charlie and niffty hide in a room across from alastors, door slightly open so they can see.

"Hello My dear Angel- oh my." Alastor says, looking at angel in pure beauty while angel tries to keep confident, even though he's extremely embarrassed.

"You look- beautiful darling. You should really wear dresses more, they look amazing on you..." Alastor mumbles.

The girls are practically fighting the urge to squeal and record this, as they find the spider and radio demon as a cute couple.

"Thanks al-!" For once, angel felt vulnerable, but since it was for Alastor, he didn't mind it as much.

Alastor signaled for angel to come in, as he softly closed the door, grabbing angel by his waist and slowly spinning him around, gaining a small gasp and giggle from the spider. Alastor puts angel down, slowly planting a kiss on angels lips. "You look stunning!" Alastor recalls, causing angel to softly blush. "You look better though! Im not even thatttt pretty!" He replies, looking Alastor in the eyes.


after a whole while of fighting over who's prettier, angel let Alastor win, resulting in the two just laying in warm cuddles with eachother.

(Angel didn't even bother changing, he said the dress was fine to wear and he wasn't uncomfortable.)


it was about 7:30pm, time for alastor to prepare for his nightly radio show. "Mon ange? Do you mind? Im sorry but I do have to attend for my radio show. " Alastor whispers to his spider, who whines in response. " awhhhh alright babes, but ya promise youll come back?" Alastor softly nods and plants a soft kiss on angels forehead as he gets up and steps out the room.

"Hey Al! heading off to your radio tower?" Niffty calls out to Alastor. "Yes, of course! How are you darling?" Alastor replies to the small lady. "Im amazing! Today I killed about 300 bugs in the top floors, and I polished everything! Tommorow ill be working on everyone's rooms !!" She says excitedly, her one eye wide and jumping up and down. The radio demon chuckles at the small gesture. "As much as I would enjoy to keep the conversation running my dear niffty, I do have to make my way over." Niffty nods and keeps a smile on her face.

Things around the hotel have been running smoothly so far, the princess has done some advertising for the hotel which has welcomed in some new clients hoping to be rehabilitated
As alastor steps into the elevator he feels a weird static. 'thats weird.' He says to himself. He brushes it off and continues as the elevator brings him up.

Elevator music plays, due to alastor's idea. Angel and Vaggie hate it but Alastor finds it funny, seeing how the two get annoyed at the music.

The overlord heads into his radio tower and starts to turn on his equipment. Though, strange blue electricity appears. "What would he want now." Alastor mumbles, making his way to a window to look at a huge television billboard. Static is shown on it, small words flickering. 'i know you see me alastor. meet me at the back of the porn studios. I have a deal to propose.'

"right in the middle of my work. god, how annoying can that television picture show head be?" Alastor mumbles under his breath, deciding whether to go or not. He ends up with the choice of going because he could torture and make fun of the TV head while he's there, so more entertainment for him. He sighs and starts making his way out the radio tower slowly.


The overlord walks through the streets of hell, everything on fire and bodies everywhere. It was common, burning buildings, having sex on the streets, killing people and just leaving them on the road, it was hell. he makes his way to the porn side of the pride ring, where most clubs and porn studios are, the smell of sweat and lust in the air.

Finnaly, valentinos porn studio came into the deers sight. He looked for the main entrance to go around it and head to the back of it.

He gets to the back of the studio, seeing the sight of the TV overlord, Vox.

"Well,, hello there vox." Alastor says, smile still in his face but is clearly not happy at the TV interrupting his work.

"Hello, Alastor."

"What would you want to propose to me? Please do not take long, i have matters to attend to."

Vox chuckles as a sinister smile plays on his face.

"Well, I was know how you want a lot of power? I was wondering if me, and 2 other overlords, Valentino which you most likely know, and a friend of mine Velvette- we were wondering if we could exchange you some, ahem- power. " Vox offers.

Alastor raises an eyebrow and his smile grows.

"But, in exchange, you have to give us back Angel dust and let him work here. He's been missing way too much work and we need him. Plus, you know you wouldn't care if he was gone. Doesn't he, annoy you? He's just a slut and shouldn't matter to you. And hey, if we give you our power you'll be able to watch hell suffer, maybe be as strong as Lucifer himself..."

Alastor freezes in place. His mind is running in places. Vox didn't say anything else about the deal.

"How about we sign a contract to make this deal, Alastor."

Alastor keeps his signature smile while on the inside he feels sinister. He nods and summons a contract, taking out a pen for vox to sign at the bottom. Vox immediately takes the pen and signs it, and the paper rolls itself and is tied into a red ribbon.

Green smoke surrounds the both, shortly after causing vox to fall to the ground. "Well then, the deal is fuffiled." Alastor says, clapping his hands together. "Ill bring angel to you tommorow, hes sleeping currently."

Vox nods and bows at Alastor as they both make their way back into their own world of worries and business.









Though what Vox didn't know is the sinister trick Alastor played on him and his two little friends.

hey everyone!! Sorry for the little filler at the beginning, i just wanted to give you guys some fluff, and i wanted to make it longer for you guys :)! Anyway, thank you so much for the support!!! I love you all<3

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