what are these feelings⑅♡✧⁠*⁠。

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angels pov

i pull alastor into a warm embrace before he goes, something in my body just felt like I needed to. "byebye deer boy!" i say, running back to the game room. i slam the door shut, my face being red as hell from what I just did.

"yo sugardust,, why so red? " I sigh and look at cherri, her face looking confused but interested. i start explaining the whole deal, and by the end of it she bursts out laughing. "DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM?!" she yells, and my face turns even more red. i hear the door slam open, and niffty is at the door. "HAS A CRUSH ON WHO" she squeals, running up to me and cherri. "NO ONE. NO ONE IT'S NO ONE" I start saying, at this point I was so warm my whole body was starting to sweat. after niffty saying please a dozen times, i let it out."i mmmmiight have a crush on smiles..." she opened her mouth to scream so loud but I quickly put my hand over her mouth. "YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE" she nodded rapidly, jumping in excitement.

"pfft guess my best friend has a crush!" I look away from cherri, embarrassed. cherri looks at her phone and turns to me "well, i think ima go , i am pretty tired." i nod and tell niffty that ill be back and that im gonna walk with cherri to the entrance of the hotel to say goodbye.

we leave the room and start walking down the hallway. "welllll, if ya do end up having a crush on himmm..you BETTER update me!!!" cherri says, elbowing me. "jeez alright suga tits!"

alastors pov

i silently watch from the shadows as angel walks with his friend cherri to the entrance. after what happened earlier when angel hugged me, ive been thinking about my feelings. I felt, something warm in my heart. its something ive never experienced and- I need to talk to him about it.

i- also heard niffty yell something about a crush and i heard angel panicking. Does that mean he has a crush? but on who? I don't think it would be me. he finally says good bye to cherri, and starts walking the other way.

i pop up behind him and quickly grab him into the nearest room, closing the door and slamming him on it. "WHAT THE FUCK-! WHO ARE YO- " he pauses, and looks at me, completely clueless. "ALASTOR WHAT THE FUCK? YA SCARED ME. " i smile eagerly as I ussualy do, and slowly lean down to him, so he has to look up at me since he's on the floor. "i was just wondering since i accidently overheard, you like someone? and if so, who? not as in the way I care but just because im curious and ill be fun to watch you trying to get that person to like you back. " i say, partly lying. I guess I actually do care, these new feelings are making me feel jealous of- whoever angel likes and i want to know who it is. he blushes a little, and struggles to speak up. "i-- none of your business-!!! it's no one, I don't even have a crush! niffty was just being kooks. " i slightly raise an eyebrow and back away. "whatever you say my dear. you may leave now ." I will say, im a little disappointed. I expected more but it's fine.

ill just find out who it is myself.

angel steps up and quickly leaves, loud footsteps rushing down the hallway.

angels pov

oh my fuck what was that ?! everything about that felt so tense and my heart was rushing. don't tell me im actually getting feelings for alastor. oh fuck! i rush upstairs into where my room is, slam the door shut and slam myself on my bed screaming into the pillow with my feet in the air.

'AAAAAAH THIS CANT BE! I CANT HAVE A STUPID CRUSH ON..HIM!' i yell, it being muffled. i turn my head to the side and face fat nuggs next to me. i softly stroke fat nuggs and look at him softly. "god what am I going to do..." is the last thing I say before finding myself fall into a deep slumber.

morning !

"angel dust? its breakfast! we got cinnamon rolls! " i hear outside my door, being the voice of the princess of hell , charlie. i slowly get up and open the door. and step outside, making my way for the kitchen. god yesterday night really fucked me up. i make my way into the kitchen area where everyone's sitting. i take a seat next to alastor, but something feels off about him. i nudge him with my elbow, "hey smiles ya alright? you dont seem like your ussual self. " he flinches a little and looks at me with a weak smile. "ah hello angel my dear! yes im okay, just tired from all the work that's been coming in lately. " i raise my eyebrow a little, he seemed a little suspicious. I just shrugged it off though, i wasn't planning on worrying too much.

charlie stands up and taps her cup with her spoon to get everyone's attention. "I'd like to thank everyone for their amazing work at the hotel, even if we haven't had any clients yet, im sure we will soon. you guys get a day off today as a thank you for all your work on helping the happy hotel become a reality! cheers!" everyone raises their cups and we all say cheers, being grateful for the day off. i get up and help clean the table up by washing some dishes. i see alastor behind me reaching to grab something from the counter, so I decide to pull a littleee..prank on him.

i wrap my arms from behind onto his stomach and rest my head on his shoulder. "hey deer boy~ whatcha doinnn~?" he slowly turns his head a full 360 to look at me, radio dials in his eyes. his face was also a little red which seemed kinda cute.."angel. if you don't get your hands off me you will regret it and I will rip all your limbs off." i smirk and raise my eyebrow. "kinky ? " I say, and back away.

I continue to wash the dishes so I can finnaly make my way back. 'anddd last one!' i say in my head, swiping my hands together and smiling being proud of myself. i make my way into walking back into my room so I could watch some tv and finnaly relax, but I felt someone tap my shoulder behind me. I turned around and saw alastor, he seemed- awkward? im not sure. "hm? ya need something al?" he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. i tilted my head a little to show I was confused and just waiting for him to say something. "i- uhm, I was wondering if you'd like to..have a little chat later tonight with some drinks like we did the other night. " i feel myself blush a little, he wants to talk to me like- personally like a date?

I honestly never expected him to be interested in me, speciallly with how flirty I am. Or maybe he just wants to talk to me for entertainment and hes not actually interested- "oh! yeah sure! of course! how abouttt we met up at 11pm tonight at the bar?" alastor nods and smiles lightly. "splendid, ill see you then my feminine fellow !" i nod, and speak up. "it's a date!" I say, and wave at him before he turns into his shadow traveling into his room.

i hate to say it but, i might actually have a crush on him.

god dammit.

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