a deal?ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁₊˚⋆

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just some eating disorder issues,, no biggie

Charlie's pov

I as usual, happily wander the hotel checking if things are organized.


'Oh? someone's knocking at the door? ooo might be a new demon who wants to rehabilitate themselves! Or maybe some other good stuff!' I quickly head to the door and see, Valentino? The overlord. "Oh-! Hello Valentino? Do you need something?" I quickly say, trying to seem polite, though on the inside i didn't want him to be here. " Ah, yes Charlie. Princess of hell and owner of this, ahem. Hotel. I was wondering if you wanted to make a little deal here, so may we chat on some, alcohol or whatsoever?" I raise an eyebrow highly suspicious. I don't trust overlords with deals but, I have to atleast see what the deal is.

"Uh, sure. How about some coffee?" I offer. He nods and I lead him into my office and turn on my coffee machine. "Well, while that's brewing, um, so what's the deal? What do I gain and what do I have to give in return?" I fidget with my fingers. "Well,, i was thinking if..you gave me something I could, advertise this hotel and give it a nice review atleast. " why is he trying to help the hotel? Angel has told me before that Valentino saw the project as stupid. "And what do I give you in return...?" I ask.


"You'll have to give me back angeldust. I mean, you clearly know he doesn't give two shits about the hotel. He's just here for the free room. Why would someone as slutty as him care about rehabilitation?"

His voice hit like venom. "Excuse you-! Angel goes infact care for the hotel, he's shown great progress! Maybe he isn't the best but, he's trying. I know he is! He stop doing as much drugs and sex! He's trying!" I quickly yell. I know angel truly deeply cares about everyone at the hotel. I know he does.

"woa woa calm down there princess. Come'n, he can visit you and stuff but, we both know what business is like. If ya have less workers, money and budget goes down. I need angel . He's the star of my company and that's EXACTLY. why. i. need. him." He bangs the table with his fist making me jump. "no. Valentino, im sorry but, no. As- the princess of hell, i- i decline your offer Valentino! now, please get out my office. " I demand.

He sighs and gets up. I follow him to the front door to make sure he doesn't try to do anything sneaky.

God, how can angel stand him? I just don't get it and, I feel horrible for him.


"Ah! Angel! Good morning!"
I walk up to Angel and he looks...mad.
"What was Valentino doing here. You didn't - make any deal with him right?" i quickly shake my head no, realizing how anxious i made him. "no, of course not! If anything I did the opposite, I completely declined his deal! don't worry angel, I would never make a deal with such a dick head, mind my language but angel, I would never." I try to reassure him. I didn't mean to make him be into such a worry. "Alright, sorry for my worry. I just, got a littla scared. Thanks though Charles, Its nice knowin ya wouldn't do such a thing."I nod and give angel a small smile as he returns the smile back.

"Hello darlings! Good morning, how are you both?" A voice rings out. "Ah Alastor! Hello! We're good! Don't mind us, we were just having a little chat." I reply to him. Angel quickly turns around and puts Alastor in a warm embrace. God, they're really cute together. "Ah, what about?" I give angel a glance and understand he doesn't want me to tell him, most likely because al would go crazy because of his hatred for the pimp.

"Ah nothing! Just talking about what we should have for breakfast,, not much!" Alastor nods and gives angel a quick peck on his forehead.

angels pov ,, couple hours after.

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