For him!

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Reaching The University, Jisoo heavily takes oxygen through her nostrils As she lacks for it.

Because After running continuously, She is almost out of her breathings.

She sighs out of relief as when she finally realises that the destination is right infront of her.

But Unfortunately, The University's main gate is closed. She shifts her eyes to get a load of current time.

Oh my goodness! What the- why my watch is not working properly!

Jisoo looks at her surroundings to find someone for the help, as she wanted to have a knowledge of what's going on there?

"My lord, I can't believe, I must've been the first one in the whole history of students, who is this much excited for studies, That I even came up here so earlier than anyone," She moves her gaze lazily.

She scratches her head feeling embarrass, "I can't with myself sometimes!"

But There is no one whom she can ask for. So She just starts to casually walk through the foot path.

As There is season of spring going on which is Jisoo's favourite feeling.

She can feel the sun getting warmer and the air is growing soft. Golden beams peek through the shifting cumulus clouds.

Closing her eyelids, she detected How shyness blossoming into confidence, like a flower blooms.

"Beautiful! Everything has been so much better in spring mornings," Jisoo whispers to herself.

She watches how the clouds shaped like cats drifts, she goes towards the empty wooden bench, studying at the park, surrounding by blossom trees and watching the Flowers laying up on the surface of the ground slowly moves by the soft wind.

Suddenly, A beautiful quote hit her mind

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Suddenly, A beautiful quote hit her mind. She takes up her notepad from her bag. She uncloses it which shows blank papers.

Her hand grips the Limited edition Blue inked fountain pen which she brought it recently.

While drawing the alphabets in calligraphy fonts on one of the surface of a blank page of her notepad, She writes the quote.

Came the spring with all
Its splendar,
All its birds and All its
All its flowers and leaves
and grasses.

Writing quotes is her most greatest hobby. She loves to do this.

Whenever, She feels something that she can possibly write it as a quote or poetry, It gives her relief.

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