Panic attack

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In the phone call:

"Yes Maa.. We both reached there safely." Taehyung assures his super concerned mother.

"Ohhh! That's so well. Well We have a suprise for you," Mrs Jeon says.

"What is it maa??"


The phone call ends with a suspense in Taehyung. That what could be the suprise? But soon his Curious thoughts had pause When he heard his brat calling him.

"Hyung come downstairs! See who is here with us!"

Hearing his call, Taehyung dashes towards the main door Where Jungkook, Lisa, rose and Jisoo were standing. It mazes him about the upcoming situation.

He motions himself to reach them, and gets a suprise by his maa and dad's suprise arrival.

"Maa!!" He yells in amusement and hug her. "How come your here? Didn't even inform me?" He asks as soon as he breaks the hug.

"It was suprise for you, My son! Like it?"

"A lot!" Taehyung smiles brightly, Jisoo admires his pretty smile, Unknowingly the smile comes across her mouth as well seeing his.

"Only maa??" His dad shows grief.

"No!! My dad too," he hugs him, "How are you Dad?"

"Great." He patts his head gently.

Mrs Jeon looks over The girls and steps towards them and decides to ask them, "How are you my girls!?"

"We are doing great, Ml." Hope you the same." Jisoo hugs her, smile appearing on her lips.

Mrs Jeon moves to Lisa and rosé and hug both of them, She comes in both of their ears to whisper something. "Have my girls seduced any boy yet??"

"Not yet but we are thinking to do sooner, Right rosie?" She says as she passes a smirk to Lisa, "Of course, lili and auntie."

"May I know what you guys are discussing about?"

"Eh, Uhm.. nothing.. It just I was asking how their studies are going on..." She grins awkwardly.


Time skips

"Jisoo?" Mrs Jeon goes towards The girl who is occupying a little edge of the bed, "What are you calligraphy down in your diary. Is their something I can have a look on?"

"Well... it's my secret! But for you It's not." Jisoo smiles genuinely.

"I am thrilled about this.."

Mrs Jeon runs her fingers as she encloses the dairy revealing beautiful hand written poetries for... someone!?

"Who is this someone? May I know?" She sits beside of her, gazing her with unalloyed curiosity.

Jisoo's cheeks tints, her anxiety is not letting her utter anything. But seeing her ml being this much excited, she couldn't help but reveal.

"It's your.... elder son.." she says as her eyes are facing downwards, she is too scared to confess her feelings towards him, but she manages to do it, her chest is pumping really hard not hearing any reply from her mouth.

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