"Do you like any girl?"

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Lisa arrives at the airport finally to pick up her tae oppa and the devil. Being so excited to meet them, she walks towards the waiting area and had a seat there.

She hears the announcement of the flight landing soon there, her fingers tap constantly due to excess impatience.

Eventually, the ultimate time comes when she sees two guys coming to her from the other side. Her eyes shimmers in delight, her mouth twists.

Bouncing on her toes, she hustles towards them and quickly hugs taehyung. He smiles and patts her back softly.

"Oppa! You finally came," Lisa utters slowly breaking the hug.

"Yes my liz. I came for you, Your brother is right here." Tae says as he observes some tears in her eye balls, "Why these tears? Don't you felt good to see me?"

"No oppa. It is not what you're thinking. These tears are out of happiness. It's been 5 years since you came here." She says.

Tae squishes her cheeks lovingly. A voice comes to them in next moment, "My coconut head!"

"Aish! Here comes the devil!" Lisa frowns at the new nickname he gave to her.

"Stop calling me with that new nickname of yours, You cream faced loon!" She snatches him Only to get a smirk by him, "What If I don't babe?"

"You-!!" She stops when Taehyung realises they are going to start third world war there.

"Guys! Stop it, it is enough for now." Taehyung firmly says.

"Okay oppa. But make this stupid person understand! Not me!" Lisa gives glares to him.

"Whatever." Jungkook rolles his eyes.

"Okay okay. Now let's go to home," Tae speaks. "Well, I want you guys to go together in the car, I will be back by my own."

"But why hyung?"

"I've a work.." he lies. "Hand me the umbrella,"

Jungkook is confused, "Why do you need? Their is no sign of rain."

"We never know the unexpected acts at an unexpected time." With his statement, Jungkook handles over the umbrella to him.

They bid bye to each other, It's a lie that Taehyung applies in the situation.

The real reason is after coming here in korea, he wanted to have sometime to. time to dissolve in air.

It's been 20 years since he left the country and shifted to US. He misses everything about his childhood when he used to live there.

But he wanted to erase all the harshful incidents which made him lost his happiness, peace and his soul.

He walks unconsciously with his lugubrious heart, The tears fall when his head hits the throbbing incident happened to him.

Suddenly, he feels some droplets of water hovering over his body, he looks up to find darkness in the sky hiding the blue bright sky.

"I knew it," he smiles, his eyes follows the umbrella he is having. "This umbrella won't even work to hide me from the tenderness in my soul that keeps haunting me,"

The downpour becomes heavy as he proceed further, he doesn't has any turn, any direction or his final stage, but he just keep himself in motion.

But then, his legs stay there as he notices a figure of girl struggling with rainfall, he can't see her face because her back is facing him along she is too far from him.

With a decision of helping her, he reaches her, Taehyung notices her, Her unreal angelic face.

Her well defined features loses taehyung to form any word. she is closing her eyes, and feeling everything happening around her environment.

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