Planning something unexpected

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Time skips.

Lisa who is settling on the couch of her room, Admiring the sunshine which grows up, occupying the bright blue pigment of the sky, from the glass rectangular window.

She feels someone presence in her room, but as soon as she could turn, her head was already smacked by one and only her evil enemy, Jungkook!

Lisa gets  exasperated after meeting him, she stands up, and looks in his eyes and grits her teeth mercilessly.

"Oh god priya stop with these acts! You don't know The atmosphere is getting hotter by you." Jungkook smirks.

"You pervert! And how dare you smack my head like this, huh?!" She shouts at his face, her face seems to red by his compliment.

"How can I? When you are responding to my compliments?" Jungkook starts to get more closer to her face.

Lisa immediately guesses his moves, she back off and avoids his gaze. "Just stay away."  She screams over him.

"Calm your voice. Your ugly voice is hurting my ears." Jungkook says being unbothered which makes Lisa as lava.

"Ohh really?? I've the most prettiest voice! So shut up! Huh" Lisa says while glaring at him deadly.

"And why the heck are you here? Can't you just let me live my life peacefully for a moment too!? That you came just to ruin it?"

"I thought it is my duty to not let me priya sit all peaceful." His eyes blazes with innocence, "Don't you think?"

"You!" She takes up the pillow laid on that mattress and throws up on Jungkook's face.

"You crazy!!" He says when he notices Lisa laughing at him, "And you crazy  dead hooman!" She smirks Victoriously.

"I won't let you go that easy now," He says throws the pillow back onto Lisa's face as her laugh stopped.

"See haha! I am more smarter than you!" Jungkook laughs at her condition.

"Just wait Jeon..!! Your dead today."

They both are chasing each other, to take their revenges, pillows as weapons they are using in their fight which seems to be a world war 3.

Sometimes Jungkook holds Lisa, sometimes Lisa runs behind him, sometimes someone showers pillows on someone or sometimes someone else does.

And while watching, they did not realize that now both of them had only one pillow on which both their hands were trying to take it.

"Give me this pillow!! Give me this pillow Jungkook!?" Lisa used all her strength to take it, but Jungkook was no less, he is also aroused.

"No I won't!" The last thing which echoes in the room, until The room gate opens and their eyes go to the person who is standing.

Out of fear, they just let go off the pillow. But it is too late to balance it so it directly lands on that person's face.

Jungkook and Lisa are now shivering to see the victim of their fight who is none other than, Taehyung!

"Oh fuck!" Lisa and Jungkook curse simultaneously with a pitiful face.

The pillow slides down taehyung's face and falls on the ground. He stares at both of them with his cold eyes without speaking a word.

Tae notices the room is all messed up like their luck! Which seems to get destroyed now.

"What was going on here?" He finally places his question in his usual voice.

"Oh nothing hyung! It just...a-a.."

"You guys are still small kids huh? Even kids are more matured than you people,"

"Oppa! You know Na I am so innocent! I didn't do anything. It is him!" Lisa points at Jungkook with innocence in her eyes.

"Ohh wah! Me!?"

"Yes you! Stupid! I was just peacefully sitting down there and you just came from no where, and smacked my head." Lisa says.

"So what?? I was just filling your little mind with a little knowledge.What's damage with that?  I don't feel anything bad about it." Jungkook smiles sheeplishly.

"So what's the good in it then? That you will hit it on my head. Do you think I'll let you go like this?" Lisa fires back with the emphasized tone.

"Guys Guys! Let go off this! Liz and Jungkook, Your fights are just out of my head I swear." Tae sighs.

"Okay oppa." Liz says and walks away.


"What was that, Jungkook?" Tae asks as he sits beside him.

"What??" He says while scrolling through his phone.

"Don't act so innocent. Why you always have to come up with this kind of behaviour with her? You are in love with her Then why still?" Taehyung asks calmly.

"Yes That's on the button hyung! I am just not so good to give my this place to someone who can be like this with the behaviour, I keep with my love." Jungkook says with sparkle eyes.

"Trust me, hyung. Your liz is fine with me."

"I do."


Lisa being a pissed off tigress, moves towards the room in which Jisoo and rosé are. She steps only while mumbling several type of curses to Jungkook.

"What he thinks of himself huh!? That fucker! I will see him soon." She reaches to the room and sees her unnie and rosé having a chat.

"What you both are upto?" Lisa asks having a seat on the bed.

"Nothing. We were discussing some stuff which is out of reach to your head." Jisoo chuckles.

"Yeah yeah okay!"

"Where are Jijz and Tae brother?" Rosé asks.

"Oppa is in his room with that fucker!" Sbe replies.

"Why you keep on insulting my brother?" Jisoo complains.

"Your brother deserves it! You know what unnie just now I was in my room, but then he came up from no where and hit my head. Like how can he!" Lisa speaks as she bangs the bed out of anger.

"Calm down Lalisa! He just tease you. You know right? That he loves to make fun of you."

"Enough is enough unnie! Now He will see What am I going to do with him!" Lisa says.

"What exactly are you planning to do with him?" Rosé asks which she just gives a smirk.

"Just wait. And. Watch!" Lisa says boldly

To be continued.

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