"Mine! only mine!"

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While Jungkook is flirting being in the middle of the girls. He is unaware of what's going to take place.

Without any care, he is just in his own universe with his girls But his universe is no more.

When He feels someone's large strange hand occupying his shoulder. He thinks that it is also another girl who came over there to see his Greek face.

He taps two times with a gentle treatment in order to sign him their is someone for him.

But not realising It was a boy, moreover a prominently dangerous person whom Jungkook is blanched of even a ghost is utterly less horrifying than him.

Taehyung interrogates while facing his back. "And how about me?"

Without thinking even for once, he smiles widely before saying. "Your the most hottest girl I have ever-"

But when he jerks himself to face the one who asked him that question As he wants to have more fun by flirting with her.

Nonetheless Who knows that poor guy is in misunderstanding after all that It is not her, It is HIM.

He studies the verified person standing infront of him gawking his face.

His smile is no longer alive. His eyes goes traumatized. He gasps heavily thinking,

What would God going to show him next Will he show him the sunlight of Tomorrow? Or-

That day won't come?

He sees his hyung with a demanding look, Adjusting his hands inside the jeans's pockets with a pair of standing eye brows.

"Tae H-hyung?" He says, as his throat leaves a shrill voice not his real one, hearing it All the students who are standing there, control their laughter.

"Move," With these 4 powerful letters of Taehyung all the girls and boys of the University starts to leave the place as soon as possible.

Now the area is all spacy but only the air is filling up the atmosphere.

Jungkook clears his throat fast. He looks at Taehyung with a smile, He pulls his lips outwards in a force manner in nervousness.

"H-hyung As far as I know you were in the library, so how come you are here?" He stammers.

Taehyung spots him like this, Ignoring his question he asks him back. "What are you so hesitant of Jungkook?"

"Me?" He says surprisingly, which Taehyung nods.

"I don't think their is any other Jungkook whom I'm talking about or talking to?"

"Oh yes. Actually I-I am having fever, I am feeling weakness in my body I think I am going to die soon hyung. oh god-" He dramatically says.

"Ohhh really?" Taehyung thinks to tease him a bit.

"Then die soon I guess. Their would be a world peace," he says.

"Why I have to deserve this oldie as my elder brother! God. Please take me! But wait! if I die then who is going to flirt with my beautiful girls? They will soak their elegant eyes by crying too much. That's why I won't die. I am proud of my choice," He speaks.

"This dramatic monkey!" Taehyung says.

"Yeah yeah! You and your sister both have made me monkey only! Is their animal you have left in my place to be? I am going to my noona. Only she is the one who supports me and adore me, My lovely Jisoo noona." His eye sparkles.

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