Chapter Three

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait, but a lot happened and I had to put this on pause for a little while, but Chapter Three is finally here, and it's finally time to really get the story going!

If you haven't already I recommend you go and read the new remaster of the first part of this story, The Kitten's Limit. It has a whole bunch of new scenes, including a big tease of a major element of this story as its epilogue/post-credit scene.

Anyway, I don't want this to drag on too much so, without further's Chapter Three! Enjoy!

Gumball's head rested against the window, the minutes going by as the bus slowly headed to school, frequently stopping for traffic.

The rest of his group were continuing to chat amongst themselves, laughing and joking around, though Penny stopped as she noticed her boyfriend had gone quiet. She turned to look at him, and saw the feline barely keeping his eyes open as he rested quietly in thought.

"Gummy, are you okay?" The fairy asked, her face etched with concern.

"Hmm?" He turned to her tiredly. "Oh yeah, just...a little tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. You can probably guess why." The feline let out a mixed sound that could be described as a mix of a yawn and a meow as his head dropped slightly.

"Aww, Gumball..." Her face softened as she looked at him with sympathy. "You really are terrified, aren't you?"

The feline remained silent, only giving a weak nod in response as he teared up.

"Oh, come here..."  She gave a reassuring smile and held out her arms, inviting him to cuddle up with her.

Usually, he'd have been too embarrassed to do something like that in public, but right now he really couldn't care less.  He eagerly accepted, shifting over and resting his head against her chest, the fairy wrapping her arm around his back.

She began to gently stroke the back of the young kitten's head with her left hand as he looked up at her with wide eyes  "It's just, I was...thinking about my life, about h-how things are never going go back to being the same again. Even if I get all of my friends back, even if they all love me, I'll still have my limit. It'll still always be a part of me. For the rest of my life, I'm gonna be stuck managing it, worrying about it, praying I never lose control of it again, No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, nothing is ever going to change that. I can never get my old life back again. Not ever."

Penny hesitated, the fairy's glow dimming slightly as she considered what to say. She thought about the talk she, Anais, and Darwin had with Gumball's Mom a few days after his incident. Although initially reluctant, she and Gumball had decided it'd best to fill the three of them in. Thus, she had sat down with them and explained the limit to them in more detail, what it was, what it was like for her during some of her own incidents and how she had dealt with it and eventually learned to somewhat control it, and most importantly how they could help Gumball do the same.

Eventually, she pulled him even closer as she continued to pet him comfortingly.  "You're right Gumball. Things won't ever be the same again. There's nothing any of us can do about that. But your Mom went through this exact same thing. She had her own limit to control. And sometimes she couldn't help it and lost control. But, no matter what happened, no matter how hard things got for her, she had your father. He was there for her whenever and wherever she needed him. If she needed him he would be there. No hesitation. Just like I am for you. I know how terrified and unsure you are about the future. More scared than any of us could ever be."

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