Chapter 3

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Third person
It has been 500 years since Jones has meet Geno and to be honest it was not fun on Jones side of it. The constant pressure and yelling at him to do better was driving him crazy. The first 200 years for him was teaching everything to him. The knowledge came from Geno. The next 200 years was him training to be an agent. Then the 100 years was being in the loop and being an agent. He didn't know what to do. Jones had nowhere to go if he left I.o . He was lost losing his mind. It was December 1st 2020.
Jones p.o.v
They did it. Galactics was defeated. I.o was busy. The zero point was out of control and the loopers knew about it. Everything was out of control. I am currently under my desk frightened till I received a phone call. I quickly got it. " hello" I said. "Jones I need you to go to the island." Dr Slone said. I was surprised as I answered "the last thing we need is another snapshot in the loop." I immediately got a response " No the last thing we need is someone escaping the loop." I quickly got up while on the phone " ok I'll do it." I exclaimed. I opened a draw and pulled out a bag and a rift gun. I dropped the phone. I walked out not hearing slone say " don't draw the attention of the seven." I opened the door to the zero point. " ok so my job right now is to go into reality 0, keep any loopers from escaping the loop and fix the zero point." I said while pushing buttons. I pushed the activate button and a gush of wind wiped me of my feet. I grabbed onto the console. I felt a gut feeling in my stomach and I let go. I feel down to my new adventure.

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