Chapter 9

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Foundation pov
The seal broke. Jones fell unconscious due to the pressure. I wrapped myself around him tightly. I tried to use my flight mode on my suit but it didn't work. We were falling to the ocean around the island. I turned my suit of to save power. I heard a splash. I opened my eyes to see that we were underwater. I looked down to see jones breathing in the water. I realise that people should not be able to breathe underwater. We hit the ground. My suit was not turning on. I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see visitor. He got behind me and swam all of us up to the surface. I am blacking out. My grip on jones loosened. I was about to let go but I felt ground underneath me. I let jones go and blackness took over me.
Visitor PoV
I managed to get foundation and the blondie out of the ocean before it was to late. I got my phone out and texted scientist about what just happened. I needed help getting foundation and the blonde guy to the current base on the island. I was checking over the blondie not knowing his name. He was alive. While I was looking over him with my scanners I saw zero point power coming from his blood. I knew that was impossible so I got him on my back and got ready to take off when scientist got here. I heard a clunk behind me. I looked behind me to see origin not scientist. "Hello my quiet friend." Origin said in a sarcastic tone. I flipped him off and pointed to foundation "oh right!" Origin said like he forgot why I texted scientist. He picked foundation up in a bridal style and busted himself to base. I got a better grip of the blonde ding bong and jumped after origin. I asked myself one question. "Why do I bother getting involved with the seven at this point?" As soon as I said that I landed at base next to origin. Origin, who was holding foundation with one arm, put the code in to get into base and opened the door. He walked in and placed foundation on the couch. I went to put the blond dude on the other couch but origin stopped me. "Didn't you mention that he was breathing underwater visitor." I nodded and realised how important that detail is. Origin got the guy from me and rushed to get him on life support. I looked at foundation and realised that he is still unconscious. I got a blanket and put it over him. It wasn't the best but I cuddled up with him to help with his immonia. It was also because I view him as a younger brother. To be honest I am suppose to be the leader but I gave it to foundation. It might of been a terrible idea now but foundation is a good leader. I slowly fell asleep with my head on top of his to comfort him from nightmares. Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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