Chapter 8

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Jones pov
I felt like I have been in a coma till i remembered that I am the everything. I opened my eyes. Realisation hit me hard all of my life with io was due to me knowing about them and the secrets. The nothing separated me into two halves. The zero point is my other half and overall I can sense my sole mates now. One of them is right by me. I sat up and looked around till my gaze landed on foundation. My sole mate is foundation. I sat there looking at him wondering how the hell am I his sole mate. Suddenly I heard a voice. "Jones you ok? You've been looking at me for a minute?" Foundation said. I realised that his visor red marks flash on and off. "I just realised something and it left me surprised that's all." I told him the half truth. Foundation moved his arm and pressed the side of his helmet. It revealed his face. "I can tell your lying jones." He said. I could possibly run from him or tell him the truth. I decided to run from the truth. I stood up and turned from foundation. When I looked around again, I realised that we are sealed in the zero point. "Foundation how the hell are we in the zero point." I shouted at him. Foundation didn't have a reaction. He stood up and came towards me. "What are you doing found?" I asked stepping back. Foundation pulled me into a hug. I was completely taken aback but I hugged back letting my emotions go. I am crying. "What am I doing I shouldn't let my emotions free." I said to myself. It was clear the foundation heard. I felt foundations hold on my tightened. My legs were giving in. Foundation lowered us to be on the floor. We were leant against a wall. "Jones what really happened when you woke up." Foundation asked. I froze. I did want to tell him eventually but not right now. "Can we not talk about it" I responded. "If it is about me being your sole mate then I already know thanks to you being the everything again." Foundation replied. "How did you know that?" I surprisingly asked. Foundation went on to explain how he found out his sole mates and how the zero point an make it seem that an hour in the zero point is actually a month. "Wait how long have we been in the zero point then?" I asked worried. "It has been three hours in a few seconds why?" Foundation replied. "Well there tends to be chaos every 3 months so what is going to..." I was cut off. An explosion. Everything went dark.

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