Chapter 4

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It has been 3 months since I went on my mission and to be honest I am tired. All this travelling to different realities and back to reality 0 has me exhausted. The zero point is more dangerous and on the edge of destruction. I needed help. I snuck in to io files earlier today for information on the seven and I am currently reading them. I found out they want to free the zero point and destroy io. The leader of the the seven was looking for geno as well. I suddenly felt a gush of wind. It was from the zero point. I needed to act fast. It was about to be another start of a match. I rifted to spawn island and managed to get on in the nick of time. I sat on the top the flying bus to think of a plan real quick till I heard my ear piece turn on. "Jones can you you hear me" a voice came through. It was slone " loud and clear miss" I said quietly. "Where are you? I tried to get in contact with you but I couldn't." Slone exclaimed "slone the zero point is going to explode. I failed my mission!" I yelled because of the loopers off. I stood up and grabbed on to a rope holding the bus up in the air. "Jones listen get out of there. The zero point is beyond repair." Slone said worried. I knew we couldn't do that even if we tried it will destroy all of existence. I shouted " no we should of done what we should of done from the start I'm going to the seven." " jones don't be an idiot you'll brake the path". Slone shouted at me. Suddenly a powerful wave of energy came at me and made me drop the rift gun. " I going to need that." I jumped off the bus after I said that. I was going to live when I hit the ground anyway so I didn't really care about a glider. I reached out for the rift gun and caught it. I am rapidly approaching the ground. I put my body around it from getting cracked. I hit the ground. My body stung. I quickly got up. My ear piece came back on. " jones stop come back to io." Slone said. I ripped my ear piece out and threw it to the ground. I crushed it and rushed towards the zero point.

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