Fixing things.

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Charlies POV:

I've just ran away from Nick, I didn't  have a plan, my wallet or even my keys. I just lost control in the car and now what do I do? I rang Tao to come pick me up, his house was to far to walk to in the pouring rain with no coat. I started to shake and cry more than ever before. I sat down in a puddle accidently when the shaking became to much to handle.


A few minutes later Tao came speeding round the corner. He got out to help me, he looked surprised  when he saw me crying. "C'mon Charlie, get in" He expressed lovingly. He helped me in while I was still shaking uncontrollably. "Are you going to tell me what happend then" He asked while getting out of the block. I tried to speak but when I opened my mouth no words came out. Nothing at all. He looked at me and instantly understood. "I'll just get you to mine first" He responded to the current situation. The rest of ride was sat in comfortably tense silence. I could tell Tao was scared for me but kept it down so I didn't have to worry about anyone else but myself.

When we got to his house I was warmly greeted by Elle and Bean their Dashhaund. "Would you like anything, Charlie?" Elle asked me from the kitchen. I felt a bit safer and better so I was able to respond.

"A cup of tea would be nice! Please" I responded, my voice was still shaky. I heard the kettle start to boil. My leg was bouncing up and down and I couldn't even help it.

"Talk to me Charlie, what happened?" I took a deep breath and told Tao everything, how I relapsed, the fight with me and nick, the thoughts everything. Everything but one thing my eating. I gave everyone such a scare when I was bad, I didn't want them to worry. Elle brought out my cup of tea and listened in carefully. When I finally finished Tao hugged me tightly.  I felt his breath on my neck and his tears on my cheek.

"So what are you going to        do,about...nick?" Mumbled Tao.

I sighed loudly, "I don't want it to be over with us, and I don't think nick will either, I think the first step will be going back and telling him everything that I've just told you," I answered softly. They both nodded.

"I'm taking you right now, before it's too late," Tao decided. I said bye to Bean and hugged Elle goodbye. When I got outside it was still raining just not as heavily. When Tao switched the car on I put on our favourite track and we sang our hearts out to it. When we got there an uneasy feeling entered my stomach.

"Can you come in with me, please" Tao saw how upset I was and got out with me.  We walked through past the car and to the door. I didn't have my keys and Nick locked the door so I was forced to knock. I heard Henry barking and that made me and Tao smile. I saw Nicks shadowed figure through the blurred glass, making me nervous but happy

Nicks POV:

I heard a knock on the door, I was to depressed to get up of the couch but the thought that it might be Charlie made me want to get up. I got to the door and saw a simular figure of Charlie with someone else. I opened the door and to my surprise it was Charlie. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. I fumbled around my brain for words but none came to mind. I saw Tao over his shoulder and smiled at him, although he looked a bit pissed at me he still gave me a warm smile back. We all walked into the living room together. Charlie had Henry on his lap and Tao was sat right next to him. "Taos just here for support, today I spilled in many diffrent ways, the fight, anger and I told Tao everything I've been feeling, I'm now planning on doing the same with you" I was shit scared about this but I let it happen, if this is what Charlie needs then I wasn't  going to interrupt. I took his hand and nod, I wanted him to do this.

"I've relapsed a couple of times in the past week or 2, I'm not quite sure why the first one happend but all the ones following were because I was scared on what you would think, especially since we hadn't talked about things like that in a while. I wanted to tell you so bad because it was affecting our relationship but I just couldn't spill, all my teenage feelings came back and that was the shittest bit. I wanted to stop, I wanted everything to stop but I dealt with it in the wrong way and I'm so so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you Nick because I love you alot and I shoulve known that you would never judge me or hate me or even be angry because of my mental health. I think that's mostly it for now." Charlie explained all this with such sorrow and love. I was balling my eyes out and so was Tao. I grabbed his hand.

"Charles Nelson, your the most special thing that has happend to me, and I'm sorry for making you feel pressured to tell me anything or like I would be mad at you. I promise you whatever you do to your body or mine i will love you forever." I looked at Charlie who was blushing badly. He pulled in me so that we could kiss.

"Get a room loosers" we all burst our laughing while Charlie hit Tao for 'ruining a special moment'

Nick and Charlie -afterwardsWhere stories live. Discover now