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Nicks POV:

Charlie shut the door, in all my life i never thought we would get revenge as good as that.   Charlie ran up the stairs before i could ask what he was doing, i shrugged it off and went to kitchen, there was still some washing up to do from yesterday night. I was nearly done when i heard Charlie storm down the stairs. I suspected it was just what happened with ben that put him in a bad mood, i had completely forgot what Ben said about me. Charlie came into the kitchen with a pretty big suitcase. I turned around from the sink to see if he was ok and my jaw dropped at what i saw. "I'm going to Taos," Charlie stated , he seemed annoyed so i assumed it was something i had done.

"What? Why? Are you ok?" i asked him, the questions made him more annoyed. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys and wallet from the counter.

"Don't act fucking dumb, You told Otis, didn't you? " I was speechless, Charlie believed the crap that came out of bens mouth. After all we had been through and he believed one little thing, that i didn't even do! 

"You believe the SHIT that came out of his mouth, you've got to be kidding me! You believe your ex boyfriend over your fucking HUSBAND!" as much as i love charlie that just got to far, he cant just talk to me about it like a normal human being instead of storming off whenever things get a little to much for him to talk about! 

"Shut up nick! You know i'd believe you over him but its pretty fucking believable when Tao and Issac  don't even know Otis, and when your the only other person in the school who knew!" Charlie took off his wedding ring and put it on the counter. "Until you can give me fucking proof you didn't do it, i wont be putting it back on." he shouted.

"Charlie what the actual fuck, you've got to be crazy to do that" i screamed back at him, he was being unbelievable, there was literally no need for him to do that. 

"I guess i'm crazy then," his voice was quieter and calmer but still angry, we were both crying by now. I always say i'm not very sensitive but when when comes to charlie, my god i am. 

"I cant actually believe you, Fuck you" Charlie couldn't even look me in the eyes when i was speaking, he was just looking at my lips and he definitely didn't want to kiss me. 

"Mabey Tao was right you are just some dumb rugby lad trying to mess with me," he had walked away with his suitcase before i could say anything else to him. I walked after him, luckily he had only made it as far as the front door. I grabbed his shoulder to stop him. "Nick, you'll never understand how much i trusted you, you were my safe person who i talked to about anything and now to find out our marriage was a lie and you were telling all my biggest secrets to other people, it hurts. Its a pain you'll never understand. You'll never know what its like to be 'mentally ill' friend. Now if you'll leave me the fuck alone." I let go of his shoulder and he stormed out the driveway. All noise way blocked out by the ringing in my head. What just happened?

I just stood there absolutely speechless, i felt a feeling on my chest, breathing suddenly became harder. For the first time ever i had the urge to kick and punch the walls. My legs froze in there spots as i tried to move, my head filled with all these thoughts that i'd never had before. The open door was blasting cold breeze in my face which wasn't helping. I slammed the door shut and the loud noise alarmed me. I fell to my knees, my hands were shaking, my whole body was shaking, breathing was becoming harder and harder with each breathe. I wanted to run after Charlie and tell him sorry and i wish i had actual proof that i didn't do it but i didn't. I wish i could go back and slam the door in Bens face when i had the chance. I wish Charlie would believe me and that none of this happened. I wish i was able to calm down and do something about it but i couldn't. 

Charlies POV:

I waited for Tao on the corner of the street well away from our house. I was so mad at Nick, like what the hell! Why would he go around telling my secret to the rugby lads? I don't give a shit how long ago it was, he had no fucking right. Tao turned the corner in his big black SUV, he stopped and go out to help me put my case in the boot. I felt to weak to be able to do it, i slumped into the passenger seat of the car. I felt numb, i wasn't crying, shaking or even upset. It felt kind of right, what i did. Tao got in after shutting the boot and put his arms around me without hesitation. I fell into them and let my face rest on his shoulder. 

"Thank you," i whispered, he puled away and just smiled before starting the car and driving away. "I left my wedding ring at nicks," i said, i wanted to talk about it, i knew that talking would be good, Tao is my best friend and i tell him everything. 

"do you want be to go back? you can go get it if you want," he asked me lovingly, he slowed down a bit, just in case he did have to go back. 

"No, i did it on purpose, i told him i wont be putting it back on until he gave me proof." i said while fidgeting with my thumbs. Tao looked at me kind of confused. 

"Proof?" I had forgot he knew nothing about Ben and so this story would be hard to explain. It took me a minute to decide whether i should tell him or not. 

"This might be to long to explain on a short car ride but i'll give it ago. you cant tell anyone if i tell you this, ok?" he nodded at me and then looked back to the road. "Back when i was in year 10, i had this secret boyfriend, he was in Nicks year and in his friend group as well, i was told i couldn't tell anyone about our little relationship and so i didn't, he controlled me for  a long time and i let him because i didn't know any better, well one day i saw him at the school gate with another person, kissing. So i broke up with him. I had just met nick so i was distracted by rugby practise, until one day he asked me to meet up after Rugby. Nick noticed something was up so he followed me, luckily because Ben then uhm... assaulted me. He grabbed me and kissed me but then Nick pulled him off me before things got worse." We pulled up to Taos house, so i stopped talking. I didn't really want to explain the rest but i knew i had to. Tao looked really surprised about it.  He tried to say something but just couldn't. "Ill tell you about the rest in side but you can't tell Elle, No matter what" He nodded. 

"Yeah i know, don't worry i wont!" he replied while taking off his seatbelt. I took a deep breathe before getting to and getting my suitcase from the boot. The wheels banged as i took it upstairs to the guest room, me and nick have stayed in this room together when our house had a bat in it, neither of us had the balls to go and fight it so we stayed the night at Taos until my dad was able to come and get it the next day. When i opened the door the room was neat and there was a warm cup of tea ready on the bedside table. There was a clean white towel on the window still for me. I opened the wardrobe and it was completely empty except for a couple of hangers neatly hung up on the bar.I felt so welcomed, Tao is such a good friend, he has always been there for me. No matter what. 

I flopped onto the bed after putting my suitcase next to the wardrobe. The bedding was really soft and cozy, kind of like a freshly shaved sheep. I heard Taos loud feet stomp up the stairs, i sat up so i didn't look to depressed when he saw my face again. The door creaked open and i saw Tao with 2 biscuits. He came and sat next to me while handing me them. I took them and put them next to my cup of tea on the bedside table. "Do you still want to tell me or not?" he asked me while looking down at the carpet.

"I might as  well," He listened carefully while I talked about Ben stalking me and what happened with the police and what he said and my fight with Nick. Tao just sat there shocked.

"THAT FUCKING BASTARD!" he shouted. "How bloody dare he, tomorrow I'm going to talk to him" When he says 'talk' he could mean about 1 million different things. "For now you need to rest, have you had lunch?"

"Oh no, but I'll be fine im not in the mood" Tao stood up ready to leave.

"Ok but if you need anything please just ask" he said, still having no idea about my eating.  I thought that i should tell him but deiced not to, until he figured it out it would be between me and Nick.  I picked up my phone and saw multiple missed calls from nick and many missed messages. I reluctantly opened them, there were many asking me to come home so we could talk this through, or that he was sorry but had done nothing. A part of me wanted to believe it but i couldn't bring myself to even think about it. It made me feel sick because what if he did? Our marriage would of been an actual lie, all of our memories would of been based of a lie. I really don't want that to be true. I stopped worrying about it because Tao was going to speak to Nick tomorrow and im going to ask him to do it nicely to find things out and not just to tell nick off.  I switched off my phone and just tried to nap even though it was mid day.

Nick and Charlie -afterwardsWhere stories live. Discover now