The finish of Ben

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Nicks POV: 

I heard Charlie pull up in the drive way, I immediately get up to greet him at the door with Henry, when he got out, he saw me instantly and came running to me . I picked him up like i used to, god how i miss old times. "There's something i need to talk to you about" he said to me, he looked concerned. 

"Do you need anything from the car first?" i ask him just in case, he shakes his head and walks in He stays silent wile we walk through the living room to the kitchen. I felt like this was really serious because after Charlies gone out he always tells me everything straight away. When we get to the kitchen the first thing he does it switch the kettle on for a cup of tea. Charlie has always done this and always will to be honest. I go and sit down at the table and pull out my phone while i wait for charlie. The room is barley illuminated and the only light was really coming from the far window all the a he bottom of the kitchen. I got a notification, strangely it was from Issac, i opened it up and he message read, "Hey Nick, i know we barley ever talk but i thought i should let you know today just as i was leaving Greggs there was this boy who used to be in your year bothering charlie,  as much as i trust charlie hes  a bit private sometimes as you'll know, i just thought id let you know" i knew instantly it was Ben bothering him,  its been Ben who has been texting so much. Charlie came and sat down with 2 cups of tea, he puts my mug with a picture of Nellie painted on it in front of me. 

"I'm just gonna get straight to it, this is gonna sound proper weird but Bens been kinda staking me, in case you haven't noticed I've been texting someone none stop, bens been trying to apologise but i didn't let him. And then today when i was in the town square Issac was in Greggs I got some alarming messages saying he knew where i was and was going to meet up with me and shockingly he showed up even though i planned nothing, i asked him how the hell he knew where i was and he said that i put where i was going on my insta story and left my snap location on even though i haven't added them on neither of those. But then Issac came out before he could explain himself and because nobody but me you and him know what happened between us i couldn't say anything. And he hasn't texted me since that happened but i need to keep texting him to find out how the hell he was able to know where i was. So yeah!" charlie sounded genuinely worried. 

"O-ok, that was a lot to take in, this might be a matter that will need the police but i guess we should wait for him to tell us how he did it first. From now on you need to be ALOT more carful, ben could be anywhere and God knows what he'll do, Are you ok after talking to him today?" i stated, charlie was paying close attention to my lips, meaning 1 of 2 things, he wants to kiss me so bad  or he's overly upset or angry. Charlie would be completely ignoring me by now if he was angry or upset so i assumed he wanted to kiss me. 

"Well now i have an excuse to bring you everywhere" he replied really distracted and flirty. I slowly got up and moved over to him, his eyes following each footstep. I sit in the chair next to him and he immediately leant in for a kiss, we kiss passionately for a minute  , when we pull apart i take his hand and lead him up to the bedroom. 


Charlie POV:

Nick led me upstairs and gently slammed me on he bed shutting the door behind us, the kissing moved from my lips to my neck pretty quickly, all of my body wanted it but my head didn't, my stupid head just kept on thinking how my body was covered in scars and how they're not healed. Nick quickly noticed i wasn't enjoying myself and stopped, "Char? Is this ok?" he asked me, his hands were holding him up from not being laid directly on top of me, he moved so he was sat next to me. 

"I'm sorry Nick i can't, i wouldn't be able to do it, i wouldn't enjoy it and i'd feel really self conscious the whole time" he kissed my cheek gently, making me blush. He played with my hair while we just sat there. 

Nick and Charlie -afterwardsWhere stories live. Discover now