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Camila was taken by surprise by Dinah's words, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Instead, she stared down at her plate of spaghetti. Dinah and Justin quickly got in a heated argument, which Bea attempted to resolve. Maia still had her head stuck in a book, which Camila made out to be a copy of The Fault in our Stars. How ironic.

"You're gonna need a fork for that."

Camila lifted her head quickly when she heard a quiet voice from beside her. The boy, Luke, nodded towards her plate.

"Oh, I... I'm not really hungry," Camila glanced back down at her food. She really wasn't. The small girl felt like if she took a bite, she'd only puke it up moments later.

"Well then hurry up," Luke grabbed her tray. "Justin," he nodded across the table, sliding the tray over to the larger boy. "Happy fucking birthday, mate."

"They don't let you leave until you've eaten something," Luke explained once he saw the confused look on Camila's face. Justin immediately grabbed his fork and dug into the pasta.

"Hey Camila, wanna reenact a movie?" Justin looked up from his tray, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" Camila tilted her head to the side.

"Y'know, Lady and the Tramp?" he slurped up a noodle and then pursed his lips, making a kissing noise. Dinah scoffed, leaning over, shoving the boy and causing him to fall out of his chair. Camila gasped, covering her mouth to muffle her laughter.

"Stop jumping on every new chick that walks in this place," Dinah rolled her eyes.

Camila watched as Justin clambered back up to his feet, dusting off his hands. Her eyes slowly moved around the room, landing on a figure in the back of the cafeteria. The girl sat alone. Narrowing her eyes, Camila realized it was the same girl that had been in her room earlier. Normani, if she remembered correctly.

"Whatcha' looking at, Chancho?" Dinah nudged Camila's shoulder.

"Pig?" Camila raised an eyebrow at the girl's use of Spanish. Dinah's eyed immediately widened.

"A white girl that can speak Spanish?" she laughed, shaking her head. "You sure see everything in this place."

"I'm Cuban," Camila bit her lip. "Why Chancho?" she couldn't help but ask.

"She calls everyone the opposite of what they are," Bea spoke up, rolling her eyes.

"I'm Gordo," Luke raised his hand. "Because she thinks I'm skinny, apparently."

"You're a fucking green bean, don't deny it," Justin laughed from across the table. Luke tossed a piece of food in Justin's direction, just narrowly missing him.

"That's Loco," Dinah pointed to Maia. "Bea is burrito, short for aburrito, because she's anything but boring. And Justin..." she smirked, turning to the boy beside her. "Why don't you tell her your nickname?"

"Princesa," the boy mumbled, earning laughs from both Luke and Bea. Camila smiled softly.

"And now you're Chancho, Chancho," Dinah held out her hand, patting Camila's back. "Welcome to the gang."

"Not to be mistaken with an actual gang," Maia spoke up from behind her book, relieving Camila's concern.

"What about her?" Camila asked, pointing to the dark-skinned girl in the back of the room.

"What about her?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"Does she have a nickname?" Camila inquired. She watched as Dinah burst into laughter and shook her head.

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