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The next morning started exactly the same as the last. Camila awoke with a pillow to the face, thanks to Normani. Except this time, she curled back up under the covers once her vitals were taken. If everyone else wore pajamas to breakfast, so would she.

As she walked beside Normani down the long hallways, Camila began to wonder why the girl insisted on keeping to herself. Even if they did get annoying at times, Camila did enjoy hanging out with the group of patients she had befriended. She thought Normani could use that.

"Do you wanna come sit with us today?" Camila blurted out once they reached the two large doors that led into the cafeteria. The older girl eyed her in confusion before shaking her head. Camila didn't even have time to try and convince her, Normani had already disappeared.

With a heavy sigh, the small girl retrieved her tray and joined her group of friends in the back of the cafeteria. Everyone looked exceptionally tired.

"Morning," Camila smiled softly, placing her tray down next to Dinah. She studied the girl's expression once she sat down, noticing Dinah's attention was on something else.

Just as Camila opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, Bea quickly turned away from the table and coughed into her shoulder. It wasn't a normal cough either. It was scratchy and dry. Camila realized what Dinah had been focused on.

"You really should tell a nurse," Dinah finally spoke once Bea turned back around. The girl, now clad in bright red hair, immediately shook her head.

"That's the last thing I need," Bea's voice was hoarse. Camila glanced back at Dinah, who appeared increasingly worried.

"No, the last thing you need is for something to happen to you and you get even more sick," Dinah snapped back. Bea just rolled her eyes, waving her hand to dismiss the girl's comment.

"Who cares," Bea shoved her tray in Justin's direction and leaned back in her chair. "It's just prolonging the inevitable."

"Keep talking like that and they'll put you on suicide watch again," Maia spoke up, lifting her head and brushing her messy brown hair out of her face.

"I could care less," Bea muttered.

"I thought it was couldn't care less," Justin lifted his head with a mouthful of food. This earned him a glare from Bea, and a kick to the shin from Dinah.

"What the hell was that for?" Justin raised his eyebrows and turned to Dinah. At the same time, Bea burst into another coughing fit, turning around in her chair and holding up a finger to signal for them to wait.

Camila glanced at Dinah nervously. When the girls met eyes, Dinah just shrugged. The Polynesian girl felt just as powerless as she did.

Bea had a puzzled expression on her face when she turned back around. She smacked her lips together a few times, tasting a metallic substance in her mouth. Her eyes widened and she looked down at the sleeve of her shirt.

"Shit," she shook her head. Dinah immediately stood up, grabbing Bea's arm and shaking her head.

"I'm getting a nurse," Dinah turned to leave, but Bea jumped forwards and grabbed her arm.

"It's just a little blood, it happens all the time," Bea shook her head quickly, making her bright red hair fall over her shoulder. Dinah wasn't hearing any of it, though, and Bea collapsed back into her chair as the Polynesian girl stormed off to find a nurse.

Bea noticed Camila's shocked expression as soon as she turned back around. Luke glanced up from his tray, looking between the two girls. Bea just rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

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