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With a deep breath and a hopeful smile, Camila pushed through the door to the schoolroom the following Monday morning. She'd skipped breakfast to avoid the questions from her friends, but she couldn't avoid school. She stood hesitantly in the back of the classroom for a few moments before finding a familiar head of now purple hair on one of the couches.

"Where were you at breakfast?" Bea asked after Camila sat down beside her. Camila forced a small smile and shrugged.

"Didn't feel good. I just felt like sleeping in," the brown eyed girl hesitantly looked up to study the classroom.

"You sure you're okay?" Bea raised an eyebrow. It wasn't too hard to tell that something was wrong with the brown eyed girl. Camila had been on edge since the moment she stepped in the room.

"Fine," Camila snapped, glaring at Bea. The girl raised her hands as if she were surrendering and shook her head.

"Okay, okay, geez," Bea propped her feet up on a beanbag and pulled out her phone. "Sorry for asking."

"Look, I'm sorry, I j-." Camila started, but was quickly interrupted.

"Miss Cabello," the teacher cleared her throat, silencing the two girls in the back of the classroom. "Would you like to tell us what you thought of Chapter 4?"

Camila's eyed widened and she quickly pulled her book out of her backpack, turning it around in her hands. Luckily, she had had a lot of time the night before to finish the reading assignment. She thought for a moment, feeling everyone's eyes on her.

"I think Jane was pretty... pretty brave," Camila nodded. "I mean, her aunt was the only family she had left. So severing her ties with her was a pretty big deal."

"She did what had to be done," Bea piped up, helping Camila out. The brown eyed girl gave her friend a small smile.

"I think Jane was a bitch," another voice echoed throughout the classroom, causing everyone's heads to turn to the green eyed girl. Camila's breath caught in her throat.

"Mrs. Jauregui, language."

"No, hear me out," Lauren shook her head. "She shouldn't just call her aunt out based on these... these false assumptions that she's made about her."

"Have you even read the book?" Maia turned around, her voice laced with disbelief. Dinah struggled to muffle her laughter. This earned a heated glare from the green eyed girl.

"Hey, don't listen to h-," Bea turned to face Camila, but the brown eyed girl dismissed her. Clenching her jaw, Camila rose to her feet and swiftly walked out of the room, closing the door a little too forcefully behind her.

"Now look what you've done," Dinah glared at Lauren.

"Ladies," the teacher tapped the podium to get their attention. Dinah and Maia both whipped their heads around, sitting up straighter in their desks. The teacher directed her attention back to Bea.

"She wasn't feeling well," Bea quickly spoke up, trying to cover Camila's tracks. While the teacher wasn't paying attention, Dinah whipped her head back around and glared at Lauren.

"Look, I don't know what you have against her, but you better fucking back off. I've had enough of you," Dinah whispered menacingly. Lauren rolled her eyes, dismissing Dinah's threat and pretending to be interested by one of the textbooks on her desk.

Meanwhile, Camila ended up in the garden once more. This was becoming one of her favorite spots. She took a deep breath and sat down on one of the benches. There was so much going on in her head.

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