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The ghost of 305. Camila repeated the words over and over in her head after Normani left her in the bedroom. That had been the girl in the next room?

What had Camila done to make the green eyed girl so annoyed with her? She'd barely spoken a word in the classroom, with the exception of her minor freakout. She figured the girl didn't have a place to talk, considering she still seemed to have a full head of hair.

Camila bit her lip, deciding that she didn't want anything to do with the girl. Lauren. That had been her name. Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when one of the nurses knocked on her door to inform her that it was lunchtime. Camila found it odd how school was over before lunch. Not that she was complaining, though.

Before leaving her room, Camila slipped off her shoes. Everyone else had only been in socks. If pajamas and socks were the usual attire in this hospital, Camila figured she could get quite used to it.

She walked slowly down the hallway, in no particular hurry to get to the cafeteria. Time passed slowly in a place like this. She was just prolonging the inevitable.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

Camila paused, raising an eyebrow at the raspy voice coming from the room beside her. She instantly knew who it belonged to. She glanced at the window, realizing that she had never seen inside the room. The black curtain was always drawn shut, and the door was always closed.

Before she could eavesdrop any longer, Camila hurried down the hallway. She didn't want anything to do with the 'ghost of 305.'

After she got her tray, she sat down in the open seat between Luke and Dinah. She looked up, realizing she had gotten there in the middle of a conversation.

"Drake is actually really good," Maia's eyes widened with a mouthful of food, leaning over and holding one of Justin's headphones in her ear. "This is like... really good!"

Everyone watched as Maia bobbed her head to the music, swinging her ponytail back and forth and laughing to herself. Camila raised an eyebrow. She'd never seen the girl this energetic. It seemed unnatural.

"Her medicine makes her hyper," Luke whispered, noticing Camila's confusion. The small girl nodded in understanding, watching as Maia attempted to toss a grape into her mouth. She missed, though, and the fruit bounced off of her forehead and onto the floor. This caused the brunette to burst into laughter.

"Really hyper," Dinah whispered, making Camila giggle. Maia paused and raised an eyebrow, eyeing the patients across the table before resuming her mini jam session.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," Camila turned to Dinah, remembering the days earlier events. Dinah just shrugged and gave Camila a sympathetic smile.

"Don't listen to anything that girl says," Dinah warned her. "She barely says a word, but when she does, it's always negative."

"They say her last nurse quit because she was so horrible," Bea spoke up. Dinah nodded, confirming the rumor.

"Why do you call her the ghost of 305?" Camila asked curiously. Dinah and Justin both laughed and glanced at one another.

"She's pale, mysterious, and scares everyone around her," Justin took a bite of his sandwich and shrugged. "She basically haunts the place."

"She literally only comes out of her room to go to the classroom," Dinah added.

"Why was she screaming last night?" Camila couldn't help but ask. She had so many questions about this girl, even if Lauren hated her. She'd always been a sucker for mysteries.

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