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Camila had been at the hospital for less than a week, and her body was already adjusting to the hectic schedule. As if it were clockwork, she would wake up every morning just in time to get her vitals taken.

That morning was different, though. She couldn't seem to focus on anything other than what she had discovered last night. Even Normani noticed.

"Girl, you're staring out into space," Normani sat up in her bed, snapping her fingers to get Camila's attention. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

Camila blinked a few times, zoning back into reality. Her thoughts wouldn't leave her alone. She furrowed her eyebrows at the girl across the room.

"What is up with you?" Normani raised an eyebrow. Camila just shrugged and stood up, wandering over to her dresser to grab a change of clothes.

It was Saturday, Camila realized. She wondered what her family was doing right then. She convinced them to stay home that weekend since she had only just seen them a few days ago. She didn't want to be a nuisance.

She couldn't even have time to miss them, either. Her mind was so preoccupied with replaying last night's events over and over. Maybe it was just her imagination.

No, it couldn't have been. She saw the look on Lauren's face. Lauren knew that she knew. Oh god, Lauren probably hated her even more now. Great. Just what she needed.

Sighing in frustration, Camila slammed the dresser door shut and trudged into the bathroom. She heard Normani mumble something, but ignored it.

The small brunette took a long, cold shower. She didn't care if she missed breakfast. She wasn't particularly hungry, anyway. After she finished showering, she changed into a pair of jean shorts and a long sleeved sweater. It was big on her, and it came down so far that it nearly covered her shorts. She realized she probably looked a bit goofy, but her arms were always freezing. And if she wore long pants, she'd start sweating like a maniac. So this was the best she could do.

When she entered the bedroom once more, Normani was already gone. Camila didn't quite feel like having to explain to everyone why she was late to breakfast, so instead she grabbed a book from her nightstand and sat cross legged on her bed.

A few minutes after she began reading, Camila was distracted once again. This time, it wasn't by her thoughts. Although, she could've sworn she was hallucinating when she heard giggling.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Camila set down her book and listened once more. There it was again. It sounded like a child. Growing even more confused, she stood up and slowly moved towards the door.

Camila jumped when she peered out into the hallway and came face to face with Ally, who was sitting down with a clipboard on her lap. The brown eyed girl knew she had been caught, and slowly took a step forwards.

"What's up?" Ally asked, tilting her head to the side. Camila heard laughter, suddenly realized the noise was coming from room 305. The small girl's eyes widened and she couldn't take her eyes off of the door.

"Oh," Ally nodded in realization. "Buddy program," she motioned for Camila to come out in the hallway. "It's like a mentor - mentee sorta thing that we do for some of the patients in the younger kid's ward. To help them out, I guess." She smiled softly. "Although I think sometimes the kids end up helping the teenagers out more. It's beneficial for both."

Giggling echoed from the room once more, making Ally smile slightly. "See?" she laughed, nodding towards the door. So Lauren did have a heart. Camila raised an eyebrow.

The small girl heard a small clacking noise and grew confused. She inhaled sharply when a small girl appeared in the doorway, no older than 6. Everything made sense when Camila saw the prosthetic limb that extended down from the girl's knee. The small child clutched a crutch in each hand, flashing them a toothy grin.

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