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act three,   chapter eight
end of a long summer

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"Happy Birthday, Ricky." Andrea beams before letting out a shrug, "Again."

"Thanks, Andy."

"I left your present back in Salt Lake because I didn't think you'd show." The girl gives Ricky a knowing look. "But I know you'll love it because I know you."

"No doubt in that. We've been friends for how long now?"

"Don't make me do the math." Andrea shakes her head, making the boy chuckle. "So, what's left on that bucket list of yours?"

"Just the lotto ticket and Big Red forgot to bring it with him though, so..."

"There's still time." Andrea smiles up at the boy, "Anything can happen on opening night. We can check the Barn after all the guests leave and see if they had miraculously left a ticket behind."

"That's not a bad idea, actually."

"I try." Andrea says as the boy comes to an abrupt halt. "What is it?" The girl follows his eyes to the patio who she sees Gina and Val talking. "Oh...Oh my god. You like Gina. Dude."

"Okay, shut up." Ricky says, looking around to make sure no one else heard.

"No wonder Aiden has been sending you death stares all summer." Andrea chuckles, "You should go talk to her. I'll see you later, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." Ricky clears his throat nervously. "Later." Andrea walks off, shaking her head as she holds back a laugh.


"Oh, hey, EJ." Andrea smiles at the boy, approaching him, "How are you feeling? Nervous?"

"Amongst other things." EJ purses his lips, making Andrea look away awkwardly. "Uh, how about you?"

"Same." Andrea chuckles, nervously. "Thanks for telling Carlos to call Lani. I didn't how much I needed her until last night."

"It's the least I could do." EJ stuffs his hands in his pocket, "I-uh-I got you an opening night present before we left and, even though we aren't...I still think you should have it."

"Aw, EJ." Andrea smiles softly as the boy pulls out a small gift box from his pocket and hands it over to the girl. She pulls the casing open to reveal a gold necklace with a sun charm, "I love it. Thank you."

"No, thank you, sunny." EJ says, making the girl look up at him curiously, "Thank you for always making the right decisions, even when they are the hard ones. It was hard for me to really understand what you meant that night, but...I get it now. You've always wanted what was best for me."

"And I always will." Andrea closes the jewelry box, "I truly can't wait to see what you make of yourself, whether this Disney+ show is a success or not. I'm proud of you either way."

"That means a lot."

"Walk me to the yurts?"


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