How the HP Boys are when they're clingy...

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Harry Potter:

- Def makes you skip some of your classes so he can study in his dorm while having you in his lap

- Nuzzles his head in your neck when he gets tired

- Asks you to keep talking when you stop bc ur voice is his safe space

Ron Weasley:

- Needs you by his side throughout ALL of his classes like a cutie patootie ofc

- Would put his hand inbetween your thigh like thats where it belongs (It does smh.)

Fred Weasley:

- You can't tell me he wouldn't wanna watch movies all day

- In need of hugs and kisses and everything sweet cuz it's literally Fred

George Weasley:

- Would stop pranking ppl for a day to spend it with you cuddling in bed

- Would ask you to be big spoon so you can hug him and play with his hair

- He eventually falls asleep

Neville Longbottom:

- Wouldn't wanna be too annoying but when you tell him it's okay he goes all out

- Built up clinginess finally comes out

- Will shower with u, hug u from behind, bear hug you, kiss you every few minutes, wants a make out sesh every few minutes, has his hand on your thigh, litterally EVERYTHINGG

- Feels so safe and happy with you

Oliver Wood:

- This man loves you so much he would skip quidditch practice with you bcs he would wanna hold onto you the entire day

- Legit sneaks into classes he doesn't have with u just to hold your hand

Draco Malfoy:

-Legit won't let you go for HOURS

-Def stays with u in ur dorm no matter what ur doing and will ignore everyone / everything else

-Man will skip a big ass test just to be next to you

Blaise Zabini:

- Another simple man who wouldn't wanna come off as too clingy since he'd think u would find it annoying

- U find it cute that he wants to hug u forever

Mattheo Riddle:

- Would ask u to skip ur classes so he can held and cuddle with u

- If u guys went out he would have his hand on ur ass the WHOLE time

Regulus Black:

- Doesn't allow u guys to seperated no matter the situation is

- Hugs from behind, make out sesh + kissessssss

- NEEDS to hold onto u

Tom Riddle:

- Would have u sit on his lap no matter what

- You'll be on his lap during classes, at breakfast/dinner, hogsmeade after school, tbh anywhere u go with this man

- Wouldn't even be in a sexual way he'd just wanna show his dominance around ppl

- Needs his constant kisses

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- Another simple man

- Make out sesh whenever u guys get the chance and hugs from behind

Theodore Nott:

- Neck kissessss

- Anywhere you two go he needs to have his hand around your waist it's a MUST

- When your alone in his dorm he ofc needs his hair to be played with

- U can't tell me he isn't a big softie in private

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now