To you complimenting them as friends... (But crushing)

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Lorenzo is my personal favorite in this chapter.

Harry Potter:

- You complimented his hair since he let you touch it

- You thought it was really nice so u compliment him about it

- „O- oh thanks." He says with a warm smile

Ron Weasley:

- You both were studying in the library together and u we're getting bored

- U started looking at ron while he was concentrated and he looked kinda cute

- „U look cute from this angle." U told him

- He looked surprised, „Me?" he said pointing to himself making u giggle

- „Yes u dummy." U replay

- Just smiles at u since he doesn't get complimented and he thinks ur special

Fred Weasley:

- You guys we're watching a movie in his dorm and cuddling

(Idk how y'll are just friends atp)

- U were coke so u scooted closer to him and the longer you guys cuddled the more u relapsed how warm he was

- „Your really warm freddie you know that?" U told him

- He looked up at you since u were big spoon and smiled

- „Thank you love."

George Weasley:

- U were helping him with a prank after u told him he sucks at them

- „Look at this." He tells u as green slime falls onto a 3rd year passing by

- U both try to keep in ur laughs while hiding behind a wall

- „Okay okay find ur pranks are somewhat good." U tease him

- „Told u princess."

Neville Longbottom:

- He was at the greenhouse when u decided to join him in taking care of the plants

- „Hey nev?" u ask „Yes Y/n?" he replies

- „Ur really cute when u take care of ur plants." U say with a soft smile

- Instant blush spread across his cheeks

- „Really? Thank you..." he says

- Stares at u in admiration the rest of the time ur together

Oliver Wood:

- He's ofc showing u some tricks he learned fort he upcoming quidditch match as a way to show off

- He actually really impresses u so u tell him when he comes down

- „Sooo?" he asks, „I loved it oli ur really good at quidditch." U tell him with a smile

- He smiles back at u and says „Well thank you."

Cedric Diggory:

- You were both talking on a bench about homework when the sun started hitting his eyes

- His eyes were beautiful light brown and u loved them

- „Ur eyes are... really pretty ced." U told him staring at them in awe

- Gets nervous since ur making eye contact with him

- „Thank you beautiful."

Draco Malfoy:

- U forced draco to help u study he was writing something down for u

- U noticed his rings

- „I really like ur rings."

- He chuckled, „They'd look better with my hand wrapped around ur neck."

- „What?" u replay surprised „Nothing." He says instantly

- U just look at him and laugh and gather up ur papers

- „Bye Draco." U say kissing him on the cheek

- U leave him blushing

Blaise Zabini:

- U were in class next to eachother and u needed help on a question so u ask him for help

- „Thanks blasie, ur really smart." U tell him when he's done

- „Trust me i know." He replies while u playfully hit his shoulder

- He liked how u noticed how good he was at potions

Mattheo Riddle:

- U were playing with his hair after u forced him to let u do pig tails on him

- „Jeez how do u keep ur hair so soft i could play with it for hours." U say taking the ties out

- „Idk, but i know you'd have a fun time pulling it."

- „What?" u replay laughing

- He blushed as he realized what he just said, „Nothing sorry." He says scratching the back of his head

Regulus Black:

- You're both listening to music and u were really interested in his taste

- „I like ur music taste reggie, like a lot." U say laughing

- Blush starts to appear from his cheeks since he doesn't really listen to music with other ppl

- „Thanks Y/n i really appreciate it." He replies with a cheeky smile

Tom Riddle:

(Soft Tom)

- U were laying in his bed with ur head on his shoulder

- U noticed he had a teddy bear on his bed and start hugging it to ur chest

- „I love this teddy bear so much tommy it's so soft." U tell him

- He just looks down at u with a small but noticeable smile while u start carrying it like a baby

- He gifts it to u when u two become official cuz he remembered what u said

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- U guys we're having a pillow fight when u finally let him win since u were tired

- U both had feathers on the floor and in your hair

- U go up to him laughing when u start picking the feathers out while playing his hair

- U look him in the eyes and notice how pretty they are

- „Your eyes are so pretty Enzo." U say

- U both look at eachothers lips since ur so close

- He leaned in making you guys kiss, no one wanting to pull away

- Thats how u became official

Theodore Nott:

- U guys were at a quidditch game, slytherin vs hufflepuff

- Slytherin had scored and everyone was screaming

- U jumped up and smiled and screamed very loud

- U turned to Theo and say him staring at u with a smile, that same smile that always gave u butterflies

- „I love your smile Theo, it makes me feel so many things." U tell him while giggling

- „Oh yeah? Your the reason I'm smiling. I hope those feelings are good." He says

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now