To seeing you getting rejected but they're your best friends?

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Cedric Diggory:

- Shocked

- "Well, I'm better that you anyways so, you can go now."

- Hugs you and kisses your forehead

- "She/he doesn't deserve your tears, so let's have fun ok?"

- Makes sure you feel better

Ron Weasley:

- He's probably more upset than you

- "What a fool"

- Looks at him/her up and down

- "Let's go, forget about what just happend, alright?"

- Spends the all day with you

Blaise Zabini:

- Absolutely shocked

- "Did I hear wrong or what? Did you really reject my best friend? You know she's the best thing that could've happend to you, right?"

- Hugs you tight because he hates when you're sad

Theodore Nott:

- Throws his cigarette away and comes towards you

- "Nevermind, we didn't want this (He points at you and himself) to become a trio."

- Going to take you to his dorm to watch you favourite movie together

Draco Malfoy:

- Rolls his eyes

- "Who do you think is gonna comfort her after this?"

- Death stares

- Hugs you because he knows how much you love physical touch

Tom Riddle:

- Death stare him/her

- "You're not worth her time, fuck off."

- Tries to make sure you're ok

- "Forget it."

Mattheo Riddle:

- Happy in some kind of ways because he likes you

- "How could you reject her? Are you fucking blind?"

- Comforts you

- Spend the day with you and helps you feel better

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- Sad because he knows how much you were into that boy/girl

- "Did you at least tell her why you don't like her? Is there anything bad about her actually? I don't think so, but everyone has their own opinion, stupid or fair as it is and yours is and will be 100% stupid."

- Comforts you

Neville Longbottom:

- Sad because he knows how sensitive you are

- Come towards you and hugs you

- "Come sweetie, let's go somewhere else."

- Gives you flowers, your fav ones ofc

Fred Weasley:

- Looks at George in disbelief

- "How sad, you just had the opportunity to be the bf/gf of the most amazing girl on earth and you lost it, its stupid, isn't it?"

- Going to prank him/her in every way he can

George Weasley:

- Annoyed af

- "Come on! How could you reject this literal piece of art, you weirdo?"

- Takes you to hogsmeade to have fun

Regulus Black:

- Upset and comes towards you

- "I'm sorry m'lady." (He whispers in your ear)

- Looks at him/her up and down and leaves with you

- Going to buy you your fav snacks and drinks

- "We're gonna forget about him/her, ok?"

Oliver Wood:

- Disappointed

- "She ven spent time caring about how to confess her feelings to you and all you have to say is a no?"

- Brings you with him to his quidditch practice because he doesn't want you to be alone or to spend time with someone who's not him

Harry Potter:

- Looks at him/her in disbelief

- "Forget it, we never really liked you btw."

- Smiles at you and takes you to his dorm to talk a little bit and then have fun together like you're used to do

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now