When you pull them in a kiss by their belt... (Dating)

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Idea by ViviWolf10 Thank you so much, ich hope you like it :)

Draco Malfoy:

You're walking down the halls of Hogwarts together, when you realize there's no one else in the hallway but the two of you, you pull him by the belt and kiss him.

- Returns the kiss almost immediately.

- "Love isn't that my job to get you close to me?"

- Kisses you again and pushes you against the wall

- What happens next I leave entirely to you 🤭

Blaise Zabini:

You and the others are in the common room, he's leaning against the wall and you're sitting on the couch. But since you want a kiss, you stand up and pull him towards you.

- "Pretty lady, but not in front of everyone." he says (only as a joke, of course)

- Pulls you towards him and kisses you

- What happens next I leave to you.

Tom Riddle:

You're in his room studying together, when he gets up to get a book you get up too and pull him towards you to kiss him.

- He immediately pushes you against the shelf

- ,,We should study darling. But we'll put that off until later."

- Ykyk...

Mattheo Riddle:

You have detention together, when your teacher goes out, you get up because your legs hurt from sitting. Mattheo follows suit when you suddenly pull him close and kiss him.

- Pulls you by the hips to him and kisses you.

- "I like detention a lot more that way." he says and grins

- You roll your eyes, smile, and kiss him again

- The teacher comes in and unfortunately interrupts you 😫

Lorenzo Berkshire:

You went for a walk together and got ice cream for the way back. He asks you if he can try it, so you pull him by the belt and kiss him.

- Is briefly overwhelmed but kisses you back

- "I didn't mean that darling, but I like that way even more." he says with a smile

- "Do you want to do it again?" you ask, laughing.

- He nods and kisses you.

Theodore Nott:

You're on top of the Astronomy Tower together, he's smoking and grabbing you with his other arm, you're sitting on the railing. There is silence between you, but instead of continuing the silence, you kiss him by pulling his belt towards you.

- Returns the kiss and pulls you off the railing

- "You're right, that's better than silence."

- Make out session

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now