To you stealing their Cologne...

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Theodore Nott:

- "Mm Darling is that my cologne I smell?"

- You smile, beginning to walk away before he grabs you gently, holding you close to breathe in the scent.

Mattheo Riddle:

- Walks past you in the hallway, but stops suddenly when he smells something he recognises.

- "Love, are you wearing my cologne?" He asks, laughing quietly before kissing your temple.

Tom Riddle:

- He walks into his bathroom, seeing you spraying some of his cologne onto your neck.

- He wraps his hands around your waist and whispers, "Maybe I can kiss that off later."

Draco Malfoy:

- He's kissing your jaw, when all of a sudden his realises why you smell so good.

- "Is that mine love? You smell so good..." he says through laughter.

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- "I knew I chose the right cologne." He whispers in your ear as you lay on top of him, a small smile plastered on your face when you realise what he said.

Blaise Zabini:

- "Pretty Lady you smell like me." He laughs, kissing your head when you reply.

- "I know, thats why I used your cologne." You giggle softly.

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now