The Slytherin Boys Headcanons

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Draco Malfoy:

- Hates cake and sweet things

- His favorite color is orange

- He gets nervous really easily and blushes like crazy

- He writes poetry and is really good at it

- Very protective over people he cares about

- Fascinated by the muggle world

Mattheo Riddle:

- Loves sketching and drawing ever since he was little

- Cares about his brother deeply even if he doesn't show it

- Uses music to cope

- Loves staying up late and having deep conversations

- Appreciates when you give him affection because he never got it as a kid

Theodore Nott:

- He has a thing for learning new languages

- Doesn't like opening up to people or talking about his past

- He has the best sense of humor

- LOVES big dogs

- Stargazes with you in the astronomy tower

- Looks like a player but is really loyal

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- He loves the outdoors and nature, he thinks its beautiful

- Always puts other before himself which is not always a good thing

- Such a gentleman

- Family means everything to him, especially his grandma

- Morning person

- Brings you flowers every day

Regulus Black:

- He is very competitive especially in quidditch

- Sarcasm 24/7

- He has a black cat which he loves with all his heart

- He's left handed

- He loves dacing in the rain with you

- He secretly wanted to be a Gryffindor

Blaise Zabini:

- He has a weird obsession with sports cars

- Breaks up fights between the Slytherin Boys

- Expert in potions and always helps you in that class

- He knows everything about everyone

- He's the best listener

Tom Riddle:

- His gaze softens slightly when you walk into the room

- He loves physical touch even if he doesn't always show it

- Loves going to the black lake and the forbidden forest to clear his mind

- Prefers winter over summer, he doesn't like the heat

- Hates fizzy drinks

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now