To you being in the Hospital Wing...

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Draco Malfoy:

- He was looking for you everywhere until he finally found you in the hospital wing

- „Darling, what are you doing here?"

- Very worried about what could have happend to you

- Sleeps next to your hospital bed

Mattheo Riddle:

- Rushes to the hospital wing immediately when he finds out you're there

- „Love, what happend, who did this to you?"

- Angry if someone hurt you but also really concerned

- Kisses your forehead

- Beats up whoever hurt you

Theodore Nott:

- His friends told him you were in the hospital wing and he quickly finds you

- „Are you okay, pretty girl? How are you feeling?"

- Makes sure you're alright and have everything you need

- Sits on the edge of the bed and holds your hand

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- He was very nervous that something happend to you

- „Everything is okay sweetheart can you tell me what happend?"

- Hugs you tightly and reassures you

- Stays by your side all day since he doesn't want to leave you alone

Regulus Black:

- He knew what happend and went to the hospital wing as soon as he could

- „You're alright love, just rest I'll be here with you."

- Sits on a chair next to your bed

- Waits until you fall asleep

- Falls asleep as well

Blaise Zabini:

- Worried about you but tries not to show it so you don't feel bad

- Leans on a wall next to the bed

- „You look like you've had a rough time, beautiful."

- Comforts you but also tells you jokes to keep your mind off the pain

Tom Riddle:

- Feels bad for you but doesn't show it

- Stands in front of your bed with his arms crossed

- „Who did it?"

- Avada Kedavras anyone who hurt you

- Reassures you that no one will ever touch you again

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now