Blooming emotions

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A year passed by since Iroh and Zuko have been gone and all I have been doing is training and learning. Also experimented with new moves however I also had training with the fire lord once a month where I would learn something new and be sure to incorporate it into my training. I would constantly have to fight against the guards until I could beat them with no harm done to me. If I got hit once then I couldn't eat dinner that night.

I went to the training room and started to stretch before I practiced. After stretching I thought about how lightning can be used for many things, to attack charge, or burn something however I'll try to use it to enhance myself. I spent months on this technique due to Iroh being gone. First, I use the basics of lightning bending first step is to summon it and instead of redirecting it, I coat my body in lightning then bounce from one wall to the next and jump up. I remembered my fight with Azula and added one more step to it while I was in the air I could let out a bit of lighting and try to hit the target before I went for the follow-up kick. After I worked on the new move I grabbed a towel wiped down the sweat and went to lie down on the floor.

Azula: Y/n why are you on the ground

Y/n: Oh, hey, Azula! I was experimenting with a new move. 

Azula: If you're worried about Uncle and Zu-zu they will be fine

Y/n: That puts my mind to rest. Normally you don't act nice to me so why now?

Azula looked away from me

Azula: You just seemed distracted the last few months and have been so absorbed in your training. You forgot to challenge me and I can't have that happening I need to prove that I am the best

Y/n:*i laughed at that* I guess I have huh? Are you doing anything in an hour?

Azula: Not in particular why do you ask?

Y/n: I wanted to ask if you wanted to get lunch or have tea

Azula: Tea and snacks

I nodded and we walked to my room where I started making tea

Y/n: I was thinking about leaving for a mission one day

Azula: What inspired that

Y/n: I grew too reliant on General Iroh and don't have any experience besides my sparring sessions with people here. It feels like the only one who can beat me is me and that's not fun

Azula: I can understand that but do you think Father would let you

Y/n: No clue your dad I mean the Firelord is rather interesting

Azula: If you do leave you have to promise to come back

Y/n: I promise. Now you want to spar one more time

Azula: As much as I would like to I have to handle something

Y/n: Bummer well then next time

We continued to talk and have tea and snacks eventually she had to leave. I then got up and left for the fire lord's throne room

Ozai: Y/n why are you here?

Y/n: I have come to ask for a mission

Ozai: Why would you want to go on a mission

Y/n: I would like to prove myself useful and show the fruits of my training lord

Ozai: In a few days the generals will be here to talk about a new problem I want you to be their

Y/n: Understood my lord

Ozai: I have a question that I wish for you to answer.

Y/n: Yes sir

Dual bending (Male reader x Avatar the last air bender)Where stories live. Discover now