Summary: Colby's got his death planned out. What will Sam do when he gets an unexpected call from Colby? Will Sam make it on time?
Type: Angst + Small Fluff
Colby sat alone in his room. The feeling he got whenever he was alone was slowly drowning him, his thoughts getting to him as he wondered what would happen if he acted on them. He felt empty, knowing that his best friend, Sam, was hanging out with his girlfriend. That hurt, knowing that his best friend, the one he had a crush on, was with someone else.
Was there something wrong with him?
Why wasn't he more likable?
He never got answers to his questions. Thoughts of suicide lingered in his mind, wondering what it felt like. Maybe it was better off if he pulled a gun to his head, maybe it wasn't. Colby wondered if Sam would even care or if he would even visit his grave after he was gone. Colby wanted to know, wanted to feel something rather than empty or dejected. He wondered if the feeling after death was better or if it felt peaceful.
He was going to test that theory.
Colby sighed, getting up from his bed and walking over to his closet. Colby rummaged through a bunch of boxes, searching for the one he kept a secret throughout high school. Colby's face lit up once he saw the old black box in the back of his closet, his hand automatically grasping it. Colby placed the box on the floor in front of him, staring at it with an indecisive feeling. Finally, he mustered up the feeling to open it, revealing a noose and a gun, a few razor blades hiding in the back of the box.
Colby gulped, staring down at the black pistol in front of him, his hands grasping the small gun filled with bullets. Colby picked up the gun, staring at the trigger and the base, looking around it. He smiled, thinking of how the bullet would go straight to his brain, the feeling of being free would come to his senses. It would hurt, but he would be free from his thoughts, free from the cruel world.
Colby was going to do it but he had one priority before pulling the trigger...
...He needed to say goodbye.
Colby grabbed the gun, placing it into his palm as he walked over to his nightstand, seeing missed calls from Sam. He smiled, enjoying the thought of Sam worrying about him. Colby grabbed his phone, his thumb trailing over numbers as he dialed Sam's number. Colby put the phone up to his ear, wanting to hear Sam's gentle voice once more.
It rang three times, the sound buzzing in Colby's ear as he waited for Sam to answer. Thoughts flooded, death, sadness, sorrow, and light. He wonders, wonders what will happen once his world stops.
"Hello? Colby?"
"Oh, hey Sam," Colby smiled, the sound of Sam's voice ringing through his ears when he talked.
"Hey, what's up? I'm on my way home." Sam stated, his voice gentle and caring as he spoke, filled with comfort. Colby chuckled a little bit, his nerves acting up as he realized Sam was on his way. He needed to make his goodbye fast.
"Hey, dude, I just want to... thank you, for... everything," Colby trailed off, his eyes trailing around his room nervously.
"Huh? Yeah, of course, dude, but like- what's going on? Are you okay?" Sam asked nervously, an uneasy feeling in his gut.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I-I just needed to say goodbye..." Colby trailed off once again, flashes of his life flooding before his eyes. "I love you, Sam... more than a friend. A-And I know you have a girlfriend- and I-I know that you think of me as a friend but... I just needed to get that off my chest."
"Colby, what's wrong? You seem... off."
"Because I am, Sam. Don't come into my room when you get home, you'll see something you'll regret. I love you, dude. Keep the channel going and don't worry about me." Colby mumbled, his eyes filling with tears.
"W-What? I-Im on my way! Don't fucking do anything stupid, Cole! Please, don't..."
Colby hung up, sighing as he put his phone down. He grasped his gun, his back against the wall as he put the gun up to his head. Colby heard the door slam downstairs, his body shaking with fear as he grasped the trigger, not yet pulling it. His fingers shook as footsteps came toward his room.
"I-I guess this is it..."
Suddenly, the door burst open.
"Colby, stop!" Colby's finger slipped, the gun being flung across the room as Colby scattered to get it. Sam stomped on the gun, kicking it behind him as Colby tried grabbing it. "Colby, Colby, dude, calm down..." Sam crashed to the floor, hugging Colby. Colby sobbed, his arms wrapping around Sam as he cried into his chest. Sam cooed, resting his head on top of Colby's.
"You're okay... You're okay, dude, it's okay..." Sam whispered, kissing the top of Colby's head as Colby cried into his chest, Sam's shirt being soaked with tears. "Shhh, I'm here, baby..." Sam whispered, comforting him with words as he rubbed his back, trying to give physical affection to the broken boy.
"I-I'm sorry!!" Colby cried, his cheeks stained with tears as they soaked into Sam's shirt.
"Hey, it's okay... I understand. it's not your fault... I'm not mad, Colby, I promise..." Sam cooed, his gentle voice ringing throughout Colby's ears as he cried into Sam's chest. "I love you, Colby, I love you..."
"Y-You promise?..."
"I promise..."