Summary: Sam gets a call, one that he'll never forget.
Type: Angst.
A/N: LMFAO, three angsts in a row! I promise I'll make the next chapter fluff so you can recover from the amount of angst.
Colby gasped, his body trembling as his back was up against the wall, holding his bleeding abdomen with force as he cried out in pain, feeling the wound open up with pain. Colby couldn't comprehend what happened, not understanding how it was that easy to get stabbed. Colby's teeth clenched, his shaky bloody hands reaching for his pocket as he grasped his phone. Colby felt tears brim his eyes, the feeling of dizziness blurring his vision.
Shakily, Colby's thumb moved over numbers, dialing Sam's number as he needed to call his boyfriend. The phone rang, Colby's broken gasps being heard over the ringing. Colby gulped, feeling bile rise as he craved water, feeling deathly thirsty.
"Hey, baby, what's up?" Sam's voice asked, his caring demeanor being changed drastically in worry.
"S-Sam..." Colby whimpered, his voice frail and sore as he spoke.
"Woah, Colby, baby, you okay?" Sam asked, concern being heard throughout his voice as Colby could hear. Colby chuckles slightly, gurgling some blood before spitting it out. "Colby?!" Sam shrieked, hearing the sound of Colby's whimpers.
"I-I love you..." Colby whispered, his vision blurry as he felt extremely light-headed.
"Baby, baby, I love you too but what's wrong?!" Sam pleaded for an answer, his voice fearful as Colby cried out in pain, feeling a stinging sensation from the wound as it bled out more.
"S-Someone..." Colby trailed off, the feeling of drowsiness getting the best of him as he tried to speak. "S-Stabbed..." Colby winced, his mind clouding as more blood pooled out onto the floor. Sam gasped lowly, calling out to one of his friends.
"Kevin! Call 911 right fucking now!" Sam screamed, returning to Colby as he tried to stay calm. "Baby, please, stay awake for me, alright?" Sam begged uselessly, his voice filled with hurt and worry as he felt his world shattering beneath him.
"I-I'm... trying..." Colby whispered, his voice barely audible as he spoke. Sam's eyes filled with tears, feeling his gut twist and turn into worry and anxiety as his emotions boiled over.
"Baby, we're on our way, don't fall asleep, please!" Sirens were heard, and Colby's eyes noticed the small light of blue and red.
"I love you, S-Sam..."
The last thing Colby heard was sirens, shouts from police men being heard as his eyes faded into darkness...