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after carrying his luggage, because of course the elevator doesn't, still doesn't work, soobin finally arrives back at his dorm. being away for 1,5 months is pretty long and soobin would lie if he said that he didn't miss his own dorm. of course he had fun back in his hometown but nothing feels better than his own place or is it because of a person??

soobin opens the door and immediately freezes of the sight in front of him. yeonjun, with another boy, kissing?! his heart sinks down to his feet and his legs start to feel weak. yeonjun and the boy back away and yeonjun just walks over to soobin and gives him the biggest hug.

"surpriseee~...." yeonjun says and soobin wraps his arms tightly around yeonjun's waist, getting looks from the boy. "i couldn't reach you so i guess your phone died"

"it did... you know me so well" soobin says with a chuckle and backs away. he never told his feeling towards yeonjun so why should he feel like this?? plus being yeonjun's bestie is even more fun.

"of course i do, you're my best friend, sooo... this is beomgyu and he's my boyfriend" yeonjun says and gets back over to beomgyu. soobin puts out his hand but beomgyu hesitates a bit but eventually shakes it.


"nice to meet you beomgyu, im soobin" soobin gets an glare from beomgyu and immediately senses that something is off with him. beomgyu just nods with a 'hmm' and takes back his hand. "well i'll go back to my room, it was a long ride"

"of course binnie!! take all the rest you need" yeonjun says with a smile and before he knows soobin disappears into him room. he lets himself fall onto his bed and the feeling of rejection starts to rise up, even tho it's funny because soobin didn't even confess his feelings. all this time he thought yeonjun liked him more than a friend but apparently not.

"i don't trust him" beomgyu says as he sits down on the couch, making yeonjun frown. he sits down next to his boyfriend and wraps his arms around beomgyu's arm.

"why? you two literally just met"

"his vibe is just off also the way he wrapped his arms around you, i don't trust him with you"

"ow come on babe, i've told you so much about him-"

"yeah he's your only topic." beomgyu cuts off yeonjun, making his boyfriend look at him with disbelief.

"that is so not true! soobin is just a very important person in my life, i've known him for over 10 years now and now i have you too, i just want you two to get along with each other" yeonjun says and beomgyu doesn't make a sound, only turns his head away from yeonjun. "do you think he'll do something with me? that i will cheat on you? because that won't ever happen otherwise i would've been with him! i know soobin and i trust him so you should trust him too..."

beomgyu's absolute weakness is when yeonjun's voice starts to get softer, sensing that yeonjun activated his puppy eyes again. he slowly turns his head to yeonjun and he was correct, the puppy eyes are back and even worse, with a pout. oh on how he cant resist that. he quickly gives yeonjun a kiss and nods.

"okay okay, i trust you and... him... i'm just not used seeing you in someone else's arms because these past weeks you've only been with me"

"mhm and i get you but you need to get used to it, i promise we won't be all in your face like that anymore, i just needed a hug from my bestie"

"it's fine, i'll work on it" beomgyu smiles lightly and gives yeonjun a peck on his head. yeonjun smiles and lays his head on beomgyu's shoulder, looking at soobin's door. when the vacation started yeonjun didn't think he would end up on this couch with someone else, even tho he thought he would've cuddled into soobin while talking hours about their adventures.

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