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"where is yeonjun??" soobin asks as he looks around the dressing room but he doesn't see yeonjun anywhere. he gets up from his chair and wants to look around for yeonjun but then taehyun takes him over to an empty room. "tae? what are you doing?"

"i cant hold it anymore and i know its not the best timing but lets break up" taehyun spits out in one second and soobin's heart drops to the floor. his eyes widen and he's processing what he just heard. soobin is searching for words but nothing just comes out as he's just in complete shock. "im sorry for dropping it just like this but i think you know why this is happening"

"u-uhm what do you mean...?" soobin tries to act clueless but he does indeed know what taehyun is talking about but he wanted to do it after the show.

"i've been crushing on you quite a while and you always like declined my cheesy pick up lines so when you asked me out if was so happy, we started off slow because i didn't wanna force you to like me but you fell for me and im grateful for that but ever since the year started it all started to feel so fake and empty... im not saying you never liked me because i know you like me but everyone knows... you have feelings for yeonjun... you tried to forget him with me but its not working and you know that very well, i just know things have happened behind the scenes when you two were gone on vacation and last month when you disappeared... it was yeonjun... did you two kiss...?" taehyun asks and soobin slowly nods. "its okay, im not making you feel guilty or make you regret what you did but there needs to come an end for us"

"b-but i really like you... we were g-going somewhere..." soobin says and tears start to build up in his eyes. taehyun softly cups soobin's face and that's when soobin breaks down. "i-im so sorry for using you l-like that... i tried to forget y-yeonjun but it just didn't h-help... i respect your d-decision..."

"i just wanna see you happy and your true happiness is with yeonjun" soobin looks into taehyun's eyes and taehyun gives him a quick kiss. "i'll lowkey miss those"

"m-me too..."

"so you better go for him, seeing you two at practice ignore each other as much as possible just hurts to see, you two are meant for each other, you now can finally get him because you're both single, no more angst around it"

"i-i owe you so m-much... will you then be m-my best friend?"

"forever and always" taehyun says and soobin smiles softly before giving him a hug. this reality check was very much needed even tho it first felt so scary. now there's only one thing that needs to be done and that is for soobin to finally confess his feelings to yeonjun.

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