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it's not like the last 2 days were very awkward but now that soobin and yeonjun are both making their way back to their dorm it's getting awkward again. the kiss just don't seem to get away out of their minds. it was just a practice so in that way they didn't cheat but it went so far that it's on the edge even if they want to not believe it. but also who hasn't kissed their best friend? it's normal right?

as they get to their front door they both see two persons standing there who mean a lot to them. yeonjun immediately drops his bags and rushes over to beomgyu to embrace him in a tight hug. soobin smiles softly as he walks over to taehyun and gives him a kiss before hugging him. the awkwardness fades away as they both hold their partners but still glance over to each other because why is it still so weird?

after a while both couples get inside with their bags, keeping an eye on each other of course, which surprises soobin. most of the time beomgyu acts so cold towards him but now he seems to be quite nice or is it because taehyun is here?

"hey binnie, i'll go with beomgyu okay? tomorrow i'll pick up my stuff to bring with me for christmas so then you can see me again, you have the wholeeeee dorm for yourself and tae"

"mhm okay, have fun, see you tomorrow then" soobin says with a smile and yeonjun smiles back with a nod. he grabs his bag and holds beomgyu's hand as they leave the dorm. soobin takes a deep breath in and out before getting attacked in a back hug. "wo-woow there"

"hihi" taehyun giggles and soobin turns around to also wraps his arms around taehyun's waist. he slightly looks down at him and gives him a kiss on his forehead, then nose and as last on his lips, making taehyun blush lightly. "are youuu gonna ask me now...?"

"hmmm what? what do i need to ask??"


"remind me please, i always immediately forget everything when i look into my boyfriend's eyes" soobin says with a proud smile but taehyun softly hits soobin making soobin chuckle. taehyun pouts a little bit and soobin immediately kisses his pout. "okay okay, dear taehyun, do you wanna be my beloved boyfriend?"

"took you way too long"

"what? i dont hear you? what that a yes or no?"

"stop ittttt, of course i wanna be your boyfriend!"

"hehe, i love you my boyfriend" soobin leans in and kisses taehyun. finally he has a boyfriend and just as how he didn't think it would, it's not yeonjun who he can call his boyfriend.

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