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{ "i've been trying to contact you for days now! where the heck have you been?

[ "i just needed some time on my own."

{ "or were you with him?"

[ "him? be more specific"

{ "jae! who the heck else?!"

[ "what's with him? i wasn't even with him"

{ "ow please, just say that you went for him"

[ "what do you mean?"

{ "do i really need to explain myself?"

[ "yes please because you're making me very confused right now"

{ "i am making you confused? you are the one bringing all the confusion here! you've been playing me since the beginning, nothing was real what we had... and i thought i had a chance..."

[ "are you saying that you like me...?"

{ "and that's what you get out of it?? you dumbass of course i like you! so much that it hurts me knowing you went for jae!"

[ "who said i went for him...?"

{ "w-what do you mean...?"

[ "i needed some time for myself to think, to think about who i want and i choose you... i like you so much hyunsik"

yeonjun sees soobin getting closer to him. here they go again, it's like the 5th time they're doing this scene but the more they do it the more difficult it gets for yeonjun. the first time when they rehearsed it keeps on coming up in his mind, that was when he feelings started to grow.

soobin slowly wraps an arm around yeonjun's waist and pulls him closer, looking into yeonjun's eyes. even tho he still very confused and kinda mad, he can see the pain in yeonjun's eyes that he has been causing. just ever since the incident happened a month ago he's been thinking a lot about what he wants but he still doesn't know it.

right at this moment it feels like they're the only ones in the theater, the spotlight fully on them. soobin closes the gap between them and kisses yeonjun softly. yeonjun reacts and starts to move his lips, deepening the kiss just a bit because soobin's kisses are really just something else. for some seconds they forget that they're just playing the scene so when they come back to their senses they back away.

[ "i think im actually in love with you hyunsik...

yeonjun's heart skips a beat, for a second it felt like it was soobin's confession but this is all just for the play.

{ "im in love with you too jinsoo..."

soobin gulps and feels his heart beat faster. these were the words he really wanted to hear from yeonjun self for so long. he still wants to hear it but is that even possible because he has taehyun now. this will be the closest thing ever to a confession.

𝗯𝗲𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀 • 𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗯𝗶𝗻Where stories live. Discover now