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"are you nervous?" yeonjun asks beomgyu as they get over to the front of yeonjun's parents house. beomgyu shakes his head but can sense his nervousness. he chuckles and holds beomgyu's hand. "it's okay bae, no need to hold your cool persona, i can feel how nervous you are"

"okay okay... i could piss my pants"

"it are just my parents! and you already know yunjin and i don't expect her to bring a date or maybe she did" yeonjun says and knocks on the door, soon it being opened by someone that they both didn't expect to be there but yeonjun actually isn't that surprised. "jaemin? did you just break into my parents house? on christmas?!"

"what?? of course not! you know damn well why i'm here"

"yeah of course i know and my little sister didn't even inform me about you, i needed to pick up alllllll the hints by myself" yeonjun says with a grin and they all get inside the house, yunjin quickly getting over to them to give yeonjun a soft hit on his shoulders. "what was that for?!"

"as if you said anything about you and beomgyu! i'm also not the difficult sibling in the family" yunjin scoffs and pulls jaemin away from yeonjun and beomgyu, yeonjun just chuckling and taking off his jacket. beomgyu just does the same and clings onto yeonjun again.

"everything will be okay, i promise" yeonjun gives beomgyu a kiss and they walk into the living room where his parents are. they both get up from the couch and embrace their son in their arms, since it's been some months till they last saw him. beomgyu just stands there and waits until he gets noticed. "mom and dad, this beomgyu, my boyfriend"

"nice to meet you mr. and mrs. choi"

"it's nice to meet you too beomgyu, i welcome you to our pretty chaotic family" mrs. choi chuckles and lays her hand on beomgyu's shoulder to make him feel comfortable. "you're very welcome here"

"thank you so much"

"you treat my son well right?" mr.choi asks and beomgyu gulps, nodding his head quickly even tho his treatment towards yeonjun could've been better. "i'm just joking, i'm not that kind of dad but of course i do ask you to treat my son well"

"mhm i get that... i love him so much of course i treat him well"

"nawhh how cute, come come sit down, you are just on time! dinner is ready" mrs.choi says and they nod, beomgyu sighing out of relief. they all get over to the dinner table and sit down. let the evening start.

after a good 2 hours they're finally done with eating and are now chilling around the house before they get over to the presents. beomgyu isn't nervous and feels pretty comfortable around yeonjun's family, it really wasn't that bad after all. yeonjun has been standing on the balcony for some time now and jaemin then joins him.

"hey jun"

"oh hey, so? you and my sister huh?"

"mhm yeah, it just suddenly happened i think, there were indeed some slight hints but i didn't think we would ever happen"

"mhm it was unbearable seeing you flirt with her but i'm happy that it's you, did the main thing happen on the trip you had?" yeonjun says with a grin and nudges jaemin with his shoulder.

"be happy you weren't there, it was a chaos, such a chaos that me and yunjin left to an other resort and yeah there it all happened but dont worry, we didn't do anything bad" jaemin says and yeonjun chuckles.

"sounds like a whole adventure and it's fine, my little sister is big enough to do what she wants"

"mhm yeah" jaemin says and some weight just dropped off his shoulders because it's always nerve racking to talk to the brother of your girlfriend. yet his mind wanders over to something he has been thinking about a lot and he really wants some answers. "you and beomgyu huh? i didn't saw it coming because you and soobin...? just friends right?"

"mhm, we're just friends, why? you've been really weird about me and soobin lately"

"it's just hmm... you and soobin were always that pairing you know, theeee besties of school and just like you i've been picking up some hints but apparently i was wrong"

"hints? me and soobin are just really close friends and there's nothing more than that, sorry for misleading you but there are definitely no feelings between us" yeonjun says and bites on his lip while looking the other way. of course yeonjun is twisting up the words, he has been sensing things between him and soobin but it's been going on for so long that yeonjun got over it and took a step further. he's now here, with beomgyu and couldn't be more happy plus soobin has taehyun now. even tho lately it's been harder to think less about soobin...

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