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"ow come on man, go talk to them both" sunghoon says as he's been trying to convince soobin for the past hour to first talk to taehyun and yeonjun when he's back. soobin keeps on telling he doesn't wanna talk yet but then things will end up way worse than now. "do you really think you can just ignore them both??"

"im not saying that but i just dont wanna talk to them about it yet, i just wanna wait after the play because i dont want this to fuck it up"

"it is already fucked up tho"

"yeah and you wanna blame me for it?? i wish i could just disappear or i just wished i never had feelings for yeonjun... i've been dragging this to a point where im gonna loose everyone i care about but i guess that's what i deserve..." soobin sighs and sunghoon shakes his head quickly.

"you're not gonna loose them. communication is key soobin and at the end of the day you need to follow your heart, really talk with them and see if there's something that makes you all satisfied, i know love is the most difficult thing in the world but you have people around you who care about you and who would understand you, you didn't fuck it up, you we're just very scared and confused"

"i-i just dont wanna hurt them..." soobin's eyes start to tear up and sunghoon immediately takes him in a hug, soobin just letting it all out. sunghoon rubs soobin's back and let's soobin take all the time he needs. "im even h-hurting myself by hiding and p-pretending..."

"and that's why you need to come out of your shell, enough hiding, let your true self speak and let yourself breath for a moment without any fear" sunghoon says  and soobin nods while backing away for a bit. sunghoon has always been there for soobin and he's really thankful for him.

"thank you sunghoon... you're really the best"

"everything for you soobin"

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