6. Powerless

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Akira's POV.

I woke up stretching my arms and yawning.

I had a wet dream can't remember who it was but I guessed it was Julius.
The best I've ever had. None of my other dreams felt so fast and realistic.
I wished I was still asleep.
I stood up looking around but no kage.

I walked till I was in the forest yelling his name but then stepped in a rock making me trip and fall into a stream.

"Who's there"kage said turning around.
I stood up the water wasn't deep. I wiped my face and looked at him, blushing and turning around.
"I'm sorry".

What is wrong with this human, she can't seem to leave me alone.
Is she that bent making her dream a reality.

I tried to unstare but I couldn't,it was like my eyes where glued to his chest and abs . He was so se*y  and attractive.

He got really pissed and waved his hand in the air sending me flying out, turning me around with a bunch of leafs covering my eyes.

Miyako's POV.

I woke up I had a simple dream nothing out of the ordinary.

I got up yawned and rubbed my eyes.
I walked up to kiyoshi's tree but looking up he wasn't there or I just couldn't see him.

I stopped when I came across a stream.
It looked like Kiyoshi just finished taking a bath.
He wore his white pants but his chest was bare.

It makes me stare and create stupid fantasy's in my mind.

He sexyly ran his hand through his white hair and let out a groan.
I knew if he cut me leering I was as good as dead but I just couldn't unstare.
My eyes soon tempt me and I wonder what he's fine ass would look like.
Ohhh my god. I sound so lustful, heck I sound so lecherous. what is happening to me. Focus Miyako think of awards and food and james.
Heck no!!! Damn James.

"Stupid brat. Why are you here".
I heard, cutting me off my thoughts to see him extremely close to me.
I tried to move away but tripped on my own feet and fell.
He's hand were so quick to catch me and pull me towards his body.

My eyes widened,as my cheek redden against his cold chest.
I felt a slight movement and he's muscled flexed.

I blushed looking at him, his face was also red.

"Guy's can you be a little more private"Grunt yelled and Kiyoshi pushed me away.

He flung his shirt~robe over his shoulder and walked away.

I could hear my heart pounding.
I closed my eyes, no I shouldn't fall for him. If he ...if he saw my true form... fat and ugly.... he'll hate me....I thought being beautiful was good but... what if... what if....he only Likes me for my out ward appearance....or for.. for this body.

I pushed my hair a bit back and I feel my hair pin.
A memory, that I don't belong here.
I sighed ready to take a bath when Grunt left.

Akira's POV.

I walked through the forest with kage.
He was quite quiet, something about him was so intriguing.

We reached a village which apparently was in distress.

I tapped a villager and he said.
"Your new here then you must not stay long, you and your husband should leave now.
This village is flocking with monsters".

"Umm... thanks... but his not my husband".

"Ohhh fiance. I get it".
*Villager whispers*. "he hasn't proposed yet".

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