30. Water Kingdom.

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~Water Kingdom~

Kiyoshi's POV.

My clothes were soaked, my hair was dripping, my ears are drenched, and guess what?, I think I caught a cold.

Who¡¡¡ knew the water kingdom always rained, Oh I did.

Curse that prince for not telling us, Oh he did tell us, well curse him anyways.

"Kiyoshi, are you alright, you can come stay under Miyako's umbrella if you like".
Akira asked.

"I'm fine *sniffle* ".
I answered.

"Are you sure, your sniffling, are you cold".

"Nope I'm okay".

Miya was really pissed at me for not listening to that prince.
Even Kage was all wrapped up in a coat, and boats, under Akira's weird umbrella.

He looks like a kid.

I snezzed saying.
"The nearest house was still some distance from here.
Archoo archoo archoo ".

"Now you're sick".
Miyako yelled, huffing in annoyance.

"I am not".
I sniffled, my nose red.

She just sighed and stomped away.

"Oh she's mad".
Grunt commented.

Kage's POV.

My brother is a fool.

He jeopardise his relationship with his love interest, just to prove a pointless view.

He was coughing and sniffling.

I could see smoke shooting out of Akira's sisters ears.

The rain calmed down and he sighed in relief, after three steps it poured again.

"Loving this atmosphere".
The water me, happily rejoiced.

"Speak for yourself".
Air said holding onto Ice who was almost carried away by the wind.

Tadashi was wearing a rock amour, supposingly to protect him.

"Um guy's, I'm cold, care to spare an umbrella. GRUNT".
Kiyoshi yelled.

Grunt sprang up to Miyako's side to avoid his umbrella being snatched.

I looked at Akira, she was smiling but a bit cold.

I pulled her to my body, she was a bit caught off guard but soon settled into the warmth of my chest.

"Hey no flirting".
I heard Tadashi yell at me.

I heard her softly call me.


"I need you".
She begged, holding my hand.


She nods.

"I'm... urging.


"We're here".
I heard, the fat pig yell at the entrance of a big gate.

Miyako talked to a guard for a while and after the guards held her wrist checking something, they fearfully left her and bowed letting her enter freely.

Just a matter of time and I'll satisfy her.

Walking through the gates, many women flocked around me, making me lose her.

Water POV.

I walked through the place.
This was supposed to be my Elemental village.

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