17. Fate

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Fate's POV.

I sat on a big thrown that sat next to a short pitiful one.
I laughed from watching the wolf boy's love making.
It gave me a lot of idea of what to write for my book, I stuck my tongue out jotting idea's down, I then watched the doggies part staring immersly at his girlfriend.
She was extremely beautiful, even more than the dog boys girlfriend.
But my eyes grew bigger when I realised something about her and my hands magically started jotting things down, but I couldn't understand what I wrote as it wasn't complete.

"I knew you were here" I was startled being caught off as my pen slipped from my hand falling to the ground and rolling away.

I looked at the two entrances and the two groups walked out of the holes into my place.

"Hey. Your not allowed in here" I yelled.

Kiyoshi: Told you that you could trust my nose.

Grunt: Yeah and its disgusting.

Kage: I knew I would find her here.

Tadashi: Hey it's my bestie, over there.

Ice: Bestie you just got out.

Miyako: Tadashi, your back.*smiles*.

Water: WOW, she's beautiful.

Kiyoshi: Not that stupid rock head again.

Akira: Hey who's beautiful *jealous*.

Ice: She looks like a princess.

Kage: Focus guys.

Grunt: Am I crazy or do they all look the same.

Miyako: They look the same.

Kiyoshi: Your crazy.

Miyako: *pauses*. Sister.

Akira: Who's the chik.

Kage: *look's at Kiyoshi*. It can't be Him.

Kiyoshi: *look's at Kage*. Him.

Grunt:*look's at the others*. Clones.

Others:*look's at Grunt*. Pig.

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