Chapter 1

332 13 8

Updates are whenever inspiration hits, there is no schedule, and could be anywhere from daily to once every couple of months.


Just to be clear, this is crossposted on A03, if you see it posted anywhere else, it's not me.


When Izuku woke up in a park, he had expected that perhaps he'd been placed in one of Aizawa's surprise 'hell' courses, the ones that tested survival while the Pro Hero in question watched from a distance to make sure he wouldn't get himself hurt. It wasn't the first time that he and the class were placed in a location and expected to find clues that would point him in the direction of a destination he needed to get to.

He had gotten up, looking around to grow accustomed to the surrounding area, only to realize that he was either in a bad part of town where half the houses had been torched and knocked over or there had been a serious battle that had taken place recently.

Very recently if the still flickering flames on some of the houses were any indication, the sky was dark indicating it was still nighttime and no one was on the streets, the few houses that weren't destroyed were boarded up with planks. A sound made Izuku turn only to see a stray dog standing a little ways off next to a tree in the park, it was like the place was a ghost town.

He pulled his mask onto his face, he didn't want the wrong people getting a good look at his features, a lesson he'd received from the second user a while back.

Once his identity was secure, Izuku made his way to one of the non-destroyed houses, using Blackwhip to break the planks enough so he could enter. The house he'd chosen seemed to have once belonged to a family, there will child toys still laying around the living room and important things like pictures and electronics were still littered around, though most of the valuable things were taken, not the personally valuable things though, which was odd.

Someone left here in a hurry, then others came and ransacked the place, that was the most obvious deduction. The house had a layer of dirt, indicating that it hadn't been lived in for a while, it might be why the boarded houses survived while the others didn't, cause the boarded-up ones had nothing of value to destroy.

He looked around for a clue, Aizawa usually left something around the immediate area to point the person placed in the right direction.

As his eyes wandered, he quickly spotted a piece of paper on the dining room table and he went up to it and read over its contents. It was a simple bill, nothing important, but then he caught the date on the top of the piece of paper and his breath caught in his throat.

October 21, 2008.

That wasn't right, it was the year 2230, that date shouldn't have been possible unless the paper was passed down through the family. However, that didn't make sense either, who would pass down a piece of useless paper? Besides, now that he thought about it, most of the appliances in the kitchen seemed to be outdated and there had been no hero merch to be seen, despite the fact kids had lived here.

He swallowed, perhaps this was part of the story that Aizawa had set up, it wasn't that strange to think he'd place things like this to make finding a way to solve the mystery harder to find.

With a deep breath he looked over the bill again, trying to see if there were any inconsistencies or codes in the text, but he didn't find anything unusual except a few outdated terms and, of course, the date.

Deciding to take a moment to think, he moved toward the cupboards, opening them and looking through the contents. There was very little food, so he'd need to scavenge later, but that shouldn't be too much of a hassle with all these abandoned houses, at least one wouldn't have been ransacked, statistically, that is.

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